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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph Trim Galore RNA-Seq pipeline paired-end

The original [BioWardrobe's](https://biowardrobe.com) [PubMed ID:26248465](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26248465) **RNA-Seq** basic analysis for a **pair-end** experiment. A corresponded input [FASTQ](http://maq.sourceforge.net/fastq.shtml) file has to be provided. Current workflow should be used only with the single-end RNA-Seq data. It performs the following steps: 1. Trim adapters from input FASTQ files 2. Use STAR to align reads from input FASTQ files according to the predefined reference indices; generate unsorted BAM file and alignment statistics file 3. Use fastx_quality_stats to analyze input FASTQ files and generate quality statistics files 4. Use samtools sort to generate coordinate sorted BAM(+BAI) file pair from the unsorted BAM file obtained on the step 1 (after running STAR) 5. Generate BigWig file on the base of sorted BAM file 6. Map input FASTQ files to predefined rRNA reference indices using Bowtie to define the level of rRNA contamination; export resulted statistics to file 7. Calculate isoform expression level for the sorted BAM file and GTF/TAB annotation file using GEEP reads-counting utility; export results to file


Path: workflows/trim-rnaseq-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 4106b7dc96e968db291b7a61ecd1641aa3b3dd6d

workflow graph tt_kmer_top_n.cwl


Path: task_types/tt_kmer_top_n.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 8a8fffb78b1e327ba0da51840ac8acc0c218d611

workflow graph count-lines10-wf.cwl


Path: cwltool/schemas/v1.0/v1.0/count-lines10-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 665141f319e6b23bd9924b14844f2e979f141944

workflow graph RNA-seq alelle specific pipeline for paired-end data

Allele specific RNA-Seq paired-end workflow


Path: workflows/allele-rnaseq-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 4106b7dc96e968db291b7a61ecd1641aa3b3dd6d

workflow graph kmer_ref_compare_wnode


Path: task_types/tt_kmer_ref_compare_wnode.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 7e875f77b615b4f7ebfb23a1da30eb216cc52919

workflow graph heatmap-prepare.cwl

Workflow runs homer-make-tag-directory.cwl tool using scatter for the following inputs - bam_file - fragment_size - total_reads `dotproduct` is used as a `scatterMethod`, so one element will be taken from each array to construct each job: 1) bam_file[0] fragment_size[0] total_reads[0] 2) bam_file[1] fragment_size[1] total_reads[1] ... N) bam_file[N] fragment_size[N] total_reads[N] `bam_file`, `fragment_size` and `total_reads` arrays should have the identical order.


Path: subworkflows/heatmap-prepare.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 62323c137c0ce9b3f843df0dfbda28dafa7c90cf

workflow graph mut3.cwl


Path: tests/wf/mut3.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 10492acee927c177933160f6ad67085f9112b0d1

workflow graph ValidateArrayElementCoordinates

Plot and compare array element coordinates.


Path: workflows/ValidateArrayElementCoordinates.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: cbfd74d867b39b5ff80869d7dd05eb2ccd8c9398

workflow graph gcaccess_from_list


Path: task_types/tt_gcaccess_from_list.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: e9cc6de8cd1e00345969c646e5e6f27d7d10420f

workflow graph SoupX (workflow) - an R package for the estimation and removal of cell free mRNA contamination

Wrapped in a workflow SoupX tool for easy access to Cell Ranger pipeline compressed outputs.


Path: tools/soupx-subworkflow.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 22880e0f41d0420a17d643e8a6e8ee18165bbfbf