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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph revsort_datetime.cwl

Reverse the lines in a document, then sort those lines.


Path: tests/wf/revsort_datetime.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: aec33fcfa3459a90cbba8c88ebb991be94d21429

workflow graph heatmap-prepare.cwl

Workflow runs homer-make-tag-directory.cwl tool using scatter for the following inputs - bam_file - fragment_size - total_reads `dotproduct` is used as a `scatterMethod`, so one element will be taken from each array to construct each job: 1) bam_file[0] fragment_size[0] total_reads[0] 2) bam_file[1] fragment_size[1] total_reads[1] ... N) bam_file[N] fragment_size[N] total_reads[N] `bam_file`, `fragment_size` and `total_reads` arrays should have the identical order.


Path: tools/heatmap-prepare.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 8a92669a566589d80fde9d151054ffc220ed4ddd

workflow graph EMG assembly for paired end Illumina


Path: workflows/emg-assembly.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 3f85843d4a6debdabe96bc800bf2a4efdcda1ef3

workflow graph integrity.cwl


Path: workflows/bamfastq_align/integrity.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: dd7f86b3cc10eb1cda07dc2fc279ba2529c8ad61

workflow graph count-lines11-wf.cwl


Path: cwltool/schemas/v1.0/v1.0/count-lines11-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: e835bc0487fe42fb330b6222c9be65d18dd81ec9

workflow graph indices-header.cwl


Path: metadata/indices-header.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 1f03ff02ef829bdb9d582825bcd4ca239e84ca2e

workflow graph sec-wf-out.cwl


Path: tests/wf/sec-wf-out.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: e6c2d955a448225f026a04130443d13661844440

workflow graph echo-wf-default.cwl


Path: cwltool/schemas/v1.0/v1.0/echo-wf-default.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 03af16c9df2ee77485d4ab092cd64ae096d2e71c

workflow graph conditional_bamindex.cwl


Path: workflows/bamfastq_align/conditional_bamindex.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: dd7f86b3cc10eb1cda07dc2fc279ba2529c8ad61

workflow graph heatmap-prepare.cwl

Workflow runs homer-make-tag-directory.cwl tool using scatter for the following inputs - bam_file - fragment_size - total_reads `dotproduct` is used as a `scatterMethod`, so one element will be taken from each array to construct each job: 1) bam_file[0] fragment_size[0] total_reads[0] 2) bam_file[1] fragment_size[1] total_reads[1] ... N) bam_file[N] fragment_size[N] total_reads[N] `bam_file`, `fragment_size` and `total_reads` arrays should have the identical order.


Path: subworkflows/heatmap-prepare.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: e627079d8431e4f1f1c7531af1ca2e7dcc684b90