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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph Trim Galore RNA-Seq pipeline paired-end

The original [BioWardrobe's](https://biowardrobe.com) [PubMed ID:26248465](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26248465) **RNA-Seq** basic analysis for a **pair-end** experiment. A corresponded input [FASTQ](http://maq.sourceforge.net/fastq.shtml) file has to be provided. Current workflow should be used only with the single-end RNA-Seq data. It performs the following steps: 1. Trim adapters from input FASTQ files 2. Use STAR to align reads from input FASTQ files according to the predefined reference indices; generate unsorted BAM file and alignment statistics file 3. Use fastx_quality_stats to analyze input FASTQ files and generate quality statistics files 4. Use samtools sort to generate coordinate sorted BAM(+BAI) file pair from the unsorted BAM file obtained on the step 1 (after running STAR) 5. Generate BigWig file on the base of sorted BAM file 6. Map input FASTQ files to predefined rRNA reference indices using Bowtie to define the level of rRNA contamination; export resulted statistics to file 7. Calculate isoform expression level for the sorted BAM file and GTF/TAB annotation file using GEEP reads-counting utility; export results to file


Path: workflows/trim-rnaseq-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 7518b100d8cbc80c8be32e9e939dfbb27d6b4361

workflow graph oxog_sub_wf.cwl

This is a subworkflow of the main oxog_varbam_annotat_wf workflow - this is not meant to be run as a stand-alone workflow!


Path: oxog_sub_wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: b38a8a4785746b8267913ea5389e21ae6dc921a3

workflow graph preprocess_vcf.cwl

This workflow will perform preprocessing steps on VCFs for the OxoG/Variantbam/Annotation workflow.


Path: preprocess_vcf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: b38a8a4785746b8267913ea5389e21ae6dc921a3

workflow graph Genome conversion and annotation

Workflow for genome annotation from EMBL format


Path: cwl/workflows/workflow_sapp_microbes.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: d944d61ddc34a5b24ebac6e1701efd6f8fdf54ae

workflow graph fireprot.cwl


Path: fireprot.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: a2b0c18f117dcf2b0d7e33c59c0f180b6a9bf709

workflow graph js-expr-req-wf.cwl#wf


Path: cwltool/schemas/v1.0/v1.0/js-expr-req-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: fc6ca8b1498926f705dcfde7ab0a365bd09a9675

Packed ID: wf

workflow graph io-int-optional-wf.cwl


Path: v1.0/v1.0/io-int-optional-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 1f501e38ff692a408e16b246ac7d64d32f0822c2

workflow graph cnv_manta

CNV Manta calling


Path: structuralvariants/cwl/abstract_operations/subworkflows/cnv_manta.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: de9cb009f8fe0c8d5a94db5c882cf21ddf372452

workflow graph RNA-seq alelle specific pipeline for single-read data

Allele specific RNA-Seq single-read workflow


Path: workflows/allele-rnaseq-se.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 6bf56698c6fe6e781723dea32bc922b91ef49cf3

workflow graph Transcripts annotation workflow


Path: workflows/TranscriptsAnnotation-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 26dad276bac124f89086268bcbca962a5c0caca6