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workflow graph scatter-valuefrom-wf6.cwl


Path: cwltool/schemas/v1.0/v1.0/scatter-valuefrom-wf6.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: e835bc0487fe42fb330b6222c9be65d18dd81ec9

workflow graph allele-vcf-alignreads-se-pe.cwl

Workflow maps FASTQ files from `fastq_files` input into reference genome `reference_star_indices_folder` and insilico generated `insilico_star_indices_folder` genome (concatenated genome for both `strain1` and `strain2` strains). For both genomes STAR is run with `outFilterMultimapNmax` parameter set to 1 to discard all of the multimapped reads. For insilico genome SAM file is generated. Then it's splitted into two SAM files based on strain names and then sorted by coordinates into the BAM format. For reference genome output BAM file from STAR slignment is also coordinate sorted.


Path: subworkflows/allele-vcf-alignreads-se-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 7a4593d2fa5b2fcbedc9219dc5687a4bc5aea66a

workflow graph advanced-header.cwl


Path: metadata/advanced-header.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 1f03ff02ef829bdb9d582825bcd4ca239e84ca2e

workflow graph pcr-bottleneck-coef.cwl

ChIP-seq - map - PCR Bottleneck Coefficients


Path: v1.0/map/pcr-bottleneck-coef.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: c269cecf317c699d6f3a0f44782e90914bce62b5

workflow graph EMG assembly for paired end Illumina


Path: workflows/emg-assembly.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 583307878ab83c5845c897f03db920ae8e1929e2

workflow graph ATAC.cwl


Path: wdl2cwl/tests/cwl_files/ATAC.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 0e2aa9ed4acb6a14ca5722e81b2eb4bfb303e153

workflow graph CLIP-Seq pipeline for single-read experiment NNNNG

Cross-Linking ImmunoPrecipitation ================================= `CLIP` (`cross-linking immunoprecipitation`) is a method used in molecular biology that combines UV cross-linking with immunoprecipitation in order to analyse protein interactions with RNA or to precisely locate RNA modifications (e.g. m6A). (Uhl|Houwaart|Corrado|Wright|Backofen|2017)(Ule|Jensen|Ruggiu|Mele|2003)(Sugimoto|König|Hussain|Zupan|2012)(Zhang|Darnell|2011) (Ke| Alemu| Mertens| Gantman|2015) CLIP-based techniques can be used to map RNA binding protein binding sites or RNA modification sites (Ke| Alemu| Mertens| Gantman|2015)(Ke| Pandya-Jones| Saito| Fak|2017) of interest on a genome-wide scale, thereby increasing the understanding of post-transcriptional regulatory networks. The identification of sites where RNA-binding proteins (RNABPs) interact with target RNAs opens the door to understanding the vast complexity of RNA regulation. UV cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) is a transformative technology in which RNAs purified from _in vivo_ cross-linked RNA-protein complexes are sequenced to reveal footprints of RNABP:RNA contacts. CLIP combined with high-throughput sequencing (HITS-CLIP) is a generalizable strategy to produce transcriptome-wide maps of RNA binding with higher accuracy and resolution than standard RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) profiling or purely computational approaches. The application of CLIP to Argonaute proteins has expanded the utility of this approach to mapping binding sites for microRNAs and other small regulatory RNAs. Finally, recent advances in data analysis take advantage of cross-link–induced mutation sites (CIMS) to refine RNA-binding maps to single-nucleotide resolution. Once IP conditions are established, HITS-CLIP takes ~8 d to prepare RNA for sequencing. Established pipelines for data analysis, including those for CIMS, take 3–4 d. Workflow -------- CLIP begins with the in-vivo cross-linking of RNA-protein complexes using ultraviolet light (UV). Upon UV exposure, covalent bonds are formed between proteins and nucleic acids that are in close proximity. (Darnell|2012) The cross-linked cells are then lysed, and the protein of interest is isolated via immunoprecipitation. In order to allow for sequence specific priming of reverse transcription, RNA adapters are ligated to the 3' ends, while radiolabeled phosphates are transferred to the 5' ends of the RNA fragments. The RNA-protein complexes are then separated from free RNA using gel electrophoresis and membrane transfer. Proteinase K digestion is then performed in order to remove protein from the RNA-protein complexes. This step leaves a peptide at the cross-link site, allowing for the identification of the cross-linked nucleotide. (König| McGlincy| Ule|2012) After ligating RNA linkers to the RNA 5' ends, cDNA is synthesized via RT-PCR. High-throughput sequencing is then used to generate reads containing distinct barcodes that identify the last cDNA nucleotide. Interaction sites can be identified by mapping the reads back to the transcriptome.


Path: workflows/clipseq-se.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 8a92669a566589d80fde9d151054ffc220ed4ddd

workflow graph count-lines1-wf.cwl


Path: tests/wf/count-lines1-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 8d8512061f2367c90aac67bcbf92af1061b4af59

workflow graph sum-wf.cwl


Path: cwltool/schemas/v1.0/v1.0/sum-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: fc6ca8b1498926f705dcfde7ab0a365bd09a9675

workflow graph default-wf5.cwl


Path: tests/wf/default-wf5.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: aec33fcfa3459a90cbba8c88ebb991be94d21429