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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph kf_alignment_optimized_wf


Path: tests/basic/data/workflows/basic_example_test.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 3633f105235ddd09510afd3f1a6110b98e46470a

workflow graph AltAnalyze ICGS

AltAnalyze ICGS ===============


Path: workflows/altanalyze-icgs.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 60854b5d299df91e135e05d02f4be61f6a310fbc

workflow graph count-lines4-wf.cwl


Path: cwltool/schemas/v1.0/v1.0/count-lines4-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 6300a49ec29be956ab451311fe9781522f461aee

workflow graph Generate genome index bowtie

Workflow makes indices for [bowtie](http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/tutorial.shtml) v1.2.0 (12/30/2016). Executes `bowtie-index` to generate indices requires genome [FASTA](http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/FASTA/) file as input, returns results as a directory


Path: workflows/bowtie-index.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 6bf56698c6fe6e781723dea32bc922b91ef49cf3

workflow graph wf_trim_and_map_chimeric_se.cwl

This workflow takes in appropriate trimming params and demultiplexed reads, and performs the following steps in order: trimx1, trimx2, fastq-sort, filter repeat elements, fastq-sort, genomic mapping, sort alignment, index alignment, namesort, PCR dedup, sort alignment, index alignment


Path: cwl/wf_trim_and_map_chimeric_se.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 49a9bcda10de8f55fab2481f424eb9cdf2e5b256

workflow graph Generate ATDP heatmap using Homer

Generate ATDP heatmap centered on TSS from an array of input BAM files and genelist TSV file. Returns array of heatmap JSON files with the names that have the same basenames as input BAM files, but with .json extension


Path: workflows/heatmap.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 6bf56698c6fe6e781723dea32bc922b91ef49cf3

workflow graph RNA-seq alelle specific pipeline for paired-end data

Allele specific RNA-Seq paired-end workflow


Path: workflows/allele-rnaseq-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 6bf56698c6fe6e781723dea32bc922b91ef49cf3

workflow graph count-lines11-extra-step-wf.cwl


Path: v1.0/v1.0/count-lines11-extra-step-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 1f501e38ff692a408e16b246ac7d64d32f0822c2

workflow graph allele-alignreads-se-pe.cwl

Workflow maps FASTQ files from `fastq_files` input into reference genome `reference_star_indices_folder` and insilico generated `insilico_star_indices_folder` genome (concatenated genome for both `strain1` and `strain2` strains). For both genomes STAR is run with `outFilterMultimapNmax` parameter set to 1 to discard all of the multimapped reads. For insilico genome SAM file is generated. Then it's splitted into two SAM files based on strain names and then sorted by coordinates into the BAM format. For reference genome output BAM file from STAR slignment is also coordinate sorted.


Path: subworkflows/allele-alignreads-se-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 877546bb89b793cc8830f8d803858706937a654b

workflow graph env-wf3.cwl


Path: tests/env-wf3.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 5f27e234b4ca88ed1280dedf9e3391a01de12912