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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph FASTQ Vector Removal

This workflow clean up vectros from fastq files


Path: workflows/File-formats/remove-fastq-reads-from-blast.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 6eb7fec3bd018addf02bb3285cb56d9453319d5d

workflow graph broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-workflow-4-1-0-0_decomposed.cwl


Path: broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-workflow-4-1-0-0_decomposed.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: fe43d13c174816704f1d7941dc8cb5fce358c0de

workflow graph Cut-n-Run pipeline paired-end

Experimental pipeline for Cut-n-Run analysis. Uses mapping results from the following experiment types: - `chipseq-pe.cwl` - `trim-chipseq-pe.cwl` - `trim-atacseq-pe.cwl` Note, the upstream analyses should not have duplicates removed


Path: workflows/trim-chipseq-pe-cut-n-run.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 8a92669a566589d80fde9d151054ffc220ed4ddd

workflow graph heatmap-prepare.cwl

Workflow runs homer-make-tag-directory.cwl tool using scatter for the following inputs - bam_file - fragment_size - total_reads `dotproduct` is used as a `scatterMethod`, so one element will be taken from each array to construct each job: 1) bam_file[0] fragment_size[0] total_reads[0] 2) bam_file[1] fragment_size[1] total_reads[1] ... N) bam_file[N] fragment_size[N] total_reads[N] `bam_file`, `fragment_size` and `total_reads` arrays should have the identical order.


Path: subworkflows/heatmap-prepare.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 02ffbbd7eb8e06bfb759edea440f78bdc8bb2631

workflow graph indexing_bed


Path: structuralvariants/cwl/subworkflows/indexing_bed.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: a4a3547b9790e99a58424a0dfcb4e467a7691d6a

workflow graph extract_readgroups_bam_http.cwl


Path: workflows/bamfastq_align/extract_readgroups_bam_http.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 0495e3095182b2e1b4d6274833b3d2ce30347a4e

workflow graph allele-alignreads-se-pe.cwl

Workflow maps FASTQ files from `fastq_files` input into reference genome `reference_star_indices_folder` and insilico generated `insilico_star_indices_folder` genome (concatenated genome for both `strain1` and `strain2` strains). For both genomes STAR is run with `outFilterMultimapNmax` parameter set to 1 to discard all of the multimapped reads. For insilico genome SAM file is generated. Then it's splitted into two SAM files based on strain names and then sorted by coordinates into the BAM format. For reference genome output BAM file from STAR slignment is also coordinate sorted.


Path: subworkflows/allele-alignreads-se-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 9bf0aa495735f8081bb5870cb32fc898b9e6eb22

workflow graph wffail.cwl


Path: tests/wf/wffail.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 20d664eff23e59aa57908345bfdb1ceeab3438f2

workflow graph exomeseq-gatk4-02-variantdiscovery.cwl


Path: subworkflows/exomeseq-gatk4-02-variantdiscovery.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: fd641e00364e257b2119ce5b26aedb01402dfcbe

workflow graph Indices builder from GBOL RDF (TTL)

Workflow to build different indices for different tools from a genome and transcriptome. This workflow expects an (annotated) genome in GBOL ttl format. Steps: - SAPP: rdf2gtf (genome fasta) - SAPP: rdf2fasta (transcripts fasta) - STAR index (Optional for Eukaryotic origin) - bowtie2 index - kallisto index


Path: cwl/workflows/workflow_indexbuilder.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: cd0c19d51068c5407cd70b718a561d4662819d87