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workflow graph taxonomy_check_16S


Path: task_types/tt_taxonomy_check_16S.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 664e99a23a3ed4ba36c08323ac597c4fbcd88df1

workflow graph Trim Galore RNA-Seq pipeline paired-end strand specific

Modified original [BioWardrobe's](https://biowardrobe.com) [PubMed ID:26248465](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26248465) **RNA-Seq** basic analysis for a **pair-end** experiment. A corresponded input [FASTQ](http://maq.sourceforge.net/fastq.shtml) file has to be provided. Current workflow should be used only with the single-end RNA-Seq data. It performs the following steps: 1. Trim adapters from input FASTQ files 2. Use STAR to align reads from input FASTQ files according to the predefined reference indices; generate unsorted BAM file and alignment statistics file 3. Use fastx_quality_stats to analyze input FASTQ files and generate quality statistics files 4. Use samtools sort to generate coordinate sorted BAM(+BAI) file pair from the unsorted BAM file obtained on the step 1 (after running STAR) 5. Generate BigWig file on the base of sorted BAM file 6. Map input FASTQ files to predefined rRNA reference indices using Bowtie to define the level of rRNA contamination; export resulted statistics to file 7. Calculate isoform expression level for the sorted BAM file and GTF/TAB annotation file using GEEP reads-counting utility; export results to file


Path: workflows/trim-rnaseq-pe-dutp.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 9850a859de1f42d3d252c50e15701928856fe774

workflow graph Trim Galore ChIP-Seq pipeline single-read

. This ChIP-Seq pipeline is based on the original [BioWardrobe's](https://biowardrobe.com) [PubMed ID:26248465](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26248465) **ChIP-Seq** basic analysis workflow for a **single-read** experiment with Trim Galore. ### Data Analysis SciDAP starts from the .fastq files which most DNA cores and commercial NGS companies return. Starting from raw data allows us to ensure that all experiments have been processed in the same way and simplifies the deposition of data to GEO upon publication. The data can be uploaded from users computer, downloaded directly from an ftp server of the core facility by providing a URL or from GEO by providing SRA accession number. Our current pipelines include the following steps: 1. Trimming the adapters with TrimGalore. This step is particularly important when the reads are long and the fragments are short-resulting in sequencing adapters at the end of read. If adapter is not removed the read will not map. TrimGalore can recognize standard adapters, such as Illumina or Nexterra/Tn5 adapters. 2. QC 3. (Optional) trimming adapters on 5' or 3' end by the specified number of bases. 4. Mapping reads with BowTie. Only uniquely mapped reads with less than 3 mismatches are used in the downstream analysis. Results are saved as a .bam file. 5. (Optional) Removal of duplicates (reads/pairs of reads mapping to exactly same location). This step is used to remove reads overamplified in PCR. Unfortunately, it may also remove \"good\" reads. We usually do not remove duplicates unless the library is heavily duplicated. Please note that MACS2 will remove 'excessive' duplicates during peak calling ina smart way (those not supported by other nearby reads). 6. Peakcalling by MACS2. (Optionally), it is possible to specify read extension length for MACS2 to use if the length determined automatically is wrong. 7. Generation of BigWig coverage files for display on the browser. The coverage shows the number of fragments at each base in the genome normalized to the number of millions of mapped reads. In the case of PE sequencing the fragments are real, but in the case of single reads the fragments are estimated by extending reads to the average fragment length found by MACS2 or specified by the user in 6. ### Details _Trim Galore_ is a wrapper around [Cutadapt](https://github.com/marcelm/cutadapt) and [FastQC](http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/) to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files, with extra functionality for RRBS data. In outputs it returns coordinate sorted BAM file alongside with index BAI file, quality statistics of the input FASTQ file, reads coverage in a form of BigWig file, peaks calling data in a form of narrowPeak or broadPeak files, islands with the assigned nearest genes and region type, data for average tag density plot (on the base of BAM file). Workflow starts with step *fastx\_quality\_stats* from FASTX-Toolkit to calculate quality statistics for input FASTQ file. At the same time `bowtie` is used to align reads from input FASTQ file to reference genome *bowtie\_aligner*. The output of this step is unsorted SAM file which is being sorted and indexed by `samtools sort` and `samtools index` *samtools\_sort\_index*. Based on workflow’s input parameters indexed and sorted BAM file can be processed by `samtools rmdup` *samtools\_rmdup* to get rid of duplicated reads. If removing duplicates is not required the original input BAM and BAI files return. Otherwise step *samtools\_sort\_index\_after\_rmdup* repeat `samtools sort` and `samtools index` with BAM and BAI files. Right after that `macs2 callpeak` performs peak calling *macs2\_callpeak*. On the base of returned outputs the next step *macs2\_island\_count* calculates the number of islands and estimated fragment size. If the last one is less that 80bp (hardcoded in the workflow) `macs2 callpeak` is rerun again with forced fixed fragment size value (*macs2\_callpeak\_forced*). If at the very beginning it was set in workflow input parameters to force run peak calling with fixed fragment size, this step is skipped and the original peak calling results are saved. In the next step workflow again calculates the number of islands and estimates fragment size (*macs2\_island\_count\_forced*) for the data obtained from *macs2\_callpeak\_forced* step. If the last one was skipped the results from *macs2\_island\_count\_forced* step are equal to the ones obtained from *macs2\_island\_count* step. Next step (*macs2\_stat*) is used to define which of the islands and estimated fragment size should be used in workflow output: either from *macs2\_island\_count* step or from *macs2\_island\_count\_forced* step. If input trigger of this step is set to True it means that *macs2\_callpeak\_forced* step was run and it returned different from *macs2\_callpeak* step results, so *macs2\_stat* step should return [fragments\_new, fragments\_old, islands\_new], if trigger is False the step returns [fragments\_old, fragments\_old, islands\_old], where sufix \"old\" defines results obtained from *macs2\_island\_count* step and sufix \"new\" - from *macs2\_island\_count\_forced* step. The following two steps (*bamtools\_stats* and *bam\_to\_bigwig*) are used to calculate coverage on the base of input BAM file and save it in BigWig format. For that purpose bamtools stats returns the number of mapped reads number which is then used as scaling factor by bedtools genomecov when it performs coverage calculation and saves it in BED format. The last one is then being sorted and converted to BigWig format by bedGraphToBigWig tool from UCSC utilities. Step *get\_stat* is used to return a text file with statistics in a form of [TOTAL, ALIGNED, SUPRESSED, USED] reads count. Step *island\_intersect* assigns genes and regions to the islands obtained from *macs2\_callpeak\_forced*. Step *average\_tag\_density* is used to calculate data for average tag density plot on the base of BAM file.


Path: workflows/trim-chipseq-se.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 935a78f1aff757f977de4e3672aefead3b23606b

workflow graph CLIP-Seq pipeline for single-read experiment NNNNG

Cross-Linking ImmunoPrecipitation ================================= `CLIP` (`cross-linking immunoprecipitation`) is a method used in molecular biology that combines UV cross-linking with immunoprecipitation in order to analyse protein interactions with RNA or to precisely locate RNA modifications (e.g. m6A). (Uhl|Houwaart|Corrado|Wright|Backofen|2017)(Ule|Jensen|Ruggiu|Mele|2003)(Sugimoto|König|Hussain|Zupan|2012)(Zhang|Darnell|2011) (Ke| Alemu| Mertens| Gantman|2015) CLIP-based techniques can be used to map RNA binding protein binding sites or RNA modification sites (Ke| Alemu| Mertens| Gantman|2015)(Ke| Pandya-Jones| Saito| Fak|2017) of interest on a genome-wide scale, thereby increasing the understanding of post-transcriptional regulatory networks. The identification of sites where RNA-binding proteins (RNABPs) interact with target RNAs opens the door to understanding the vast complexity of RNA regulation. UV cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) is a transformative technology in which RNAs purified from _in vivo_ cross-linked RNA-protein complexes are sequenced to reveal footprints of RNABP:RNA contacts. CLIP combined with high-throughput sequencing (HITS-CLIP) is a generalizable strategy to produce transcriptome-wide maps of RNA binding with higher accuracy and resolution than standard RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) profiling or purely computational approaches. The application of CLIP to Argonaute proteins has expanded the utility of this approach to mapping binding sites for microRNAs and other small regulatory RNAs. Finally, recent advances in data analysis take advantage of cross-link–induced mutation sites (CIMS) to refine RNA-binding maps to single-nucleotide resolution. Once IP conditions are established, HITS-CLIP takes ~8 d to prepare RNA for sequencing. Established pipelines for data analysis, including those for CIMS, take 3–4 d. Workflow -------- CLIP begins with the in-vivo cross-linking of RNA-protein complexes using ultraviolet light (UV). Upon UV exposure, covalent bonds are formed between proteins and nucleic acids that are in close proximity. (Darnell|2012) The cross-linked cells are then lysed, and the protein of interest is isolated via immunoprecipitation. In order to allow for sequence specific priming of reverse transcription, RNA adapters are ligated to the 3' ends, while radiolabeled phosphates are transferred to the 5' ends of the RNA fragments. The RNA-protein complexes are then separated from free RNA using gel electrophoresis and membrane transfer. Proteinase K digestion is then performed in order to remove protein from the RNA-protein complexes. This step leaves a peptide at the cross-link site, allowing for the identification of the cross-linked nucleotide. (König| McGlincy| Ule|2012) After ligating RNA linkers to the RNA 5' ends, cDNA is synthesized via RT-PCR. High-throughput sequencing is then used to generate reads containing distinct barcodes that identify the last cDNA nucleotide. Interaction sites can be identified by mapping the reads back to the transcriptome.


Path: workflows/clipseq-se.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 935a78f1aff757f977de4e3672aefead3b23606b

workflow graph EMG pipeline v3.0 (paired end version)


Path: workflows/emg-pipeline-v3-paired.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 7bb76f33bf40b5cd2604001cac46f967a209c47f

workflow graph 02-trim-pe.cwl

RNA-seq 02 trimming - reads: PE


Path: v1.0/RNA-seq_pipeline/02-trim-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 8aabde14169421a7115c5cd48c4740b3a7bd818f

workflow graph tt_kmer_compare_wnode

Pairwise comparison


Path: task_types/tt_kmer_compare_wnode.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: c18a7e5164cb6b19f06b3d1e869407c118a87f7e

workflow graph Trim Galore RNA-Seq pipeline paired-end strand specific

Modified original [BioWardrobe's](https://biowardrobe.com) [PubMed ID:26248465](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26248465) **RNA-Seq** basic analysis for a **pair-end** experiment. A corresponded input [FASTQ](http://maq.sourceforge.net/fastq.shtml) file has to be provided. Current workflow should be used only with the single-end RNA-Seq data. It performs the following steps: 1. Trim adapters from input FASTQ files 2. Use STAR to align reads from input FASTQ files according to the predefined reference indices; generate unsorted BAM file and alignment statistics file 3. Use fastx_quality_stats to analyze input FASTQ files and generate quality statistics files 4. Use samtools sort to generate coordinate sorted BAM(+BAI) file pair from the unsorted BAM file obtained on the step 1 (after running STAR) 5. Generate BigWig file on the base of sorted BAM file 6. Map input FASTQ files to predefined rRNA reference indices using Bowtie to define the level of rRNA contamination; export resulted statistics to file 7. Calculate isoform expression level for the sorted BAM file and GTF/TAB annotation file using GEEP reads-counting utility; export results to file


Path: workflows/trim-rnaseq-pe-dutp.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 17a4a68b20e0af656e09714c1f39fe761b518686

workflow graph Cell Ranger ARC Aggregate

Cell Ranger ARC Aggregate =========================


Path: workflows/cellranger-arc-aggr.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 935a78f1aff757f977de4e3672aefead3b23606b

workflow graph Quality assessment, amplicon classification and functional prediction

Workflow for quality assessment of paired reads and classification using NGTax 2.0 and functional annotation using picrust2. In addition files are exported to their respective subfolders for easier data management in a later stage. Steps: - FastQC (read quality control) - NGTax 2.0 - Picrust 2 - Export module for ngtax


Path: cwl/workflows/workflow_ngtax_picrust2.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: cd0c19d51068c5407cd70b718a561d4662819d87