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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph Single-cell Differential Expression

Single-cell Differential Expression =================================== Runs differential expression analysis for a subset of cells between two selected conditions.


Path: workflows/sc_diff_expr.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 2005c6b7f1bff6247d015ff6c116bd9ec97158bb

workflow graph Nested workflow example


Path: tests/wf/double-nested.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 12993a6eb60f5ccb4edbe77cb6de661cfc496090

workflow graph Cell Ranger Build Reference Indices

Cell Ranger Build Reference Indices ===================================


Path: workflows/cellranger-mkref.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 10ce6e113f749c7bd725e426445220c3bdc5ddf1

workflow graph preprocess_vcf.cwl

This workflow will perform preprocessing steps on VCFs for the OxoG/Variantbam/Annotation workflow.


Path: preprocess_vcf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 00e98923d9ce49790080f88ae46f3d73a19eb65b

workflow graph gcaccess_from_list


Path: task_types/tt_gcaccess_from_list.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 8cc9b995bca666c54c673a5eb8d9b8c6f8e84490

workflow graph Functional analyis of sequences that match the 16S SSU


Path: workflows/16S_taxonomic_analysis.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: f914942b9d7bfbabecb872f5945698fcfa09ec80

workflow graph 811.cwl


Path: tests/wf/811.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 12993a6eb60f5ccb4edbe77cb6de661cfc496090

workflow graph ChIP-Seq pipeline paired-end

The original [BioWardrobe's](https://biowardrobe.com) [PubMed ID:26248465](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26248465) **ChIP-Seq** basic analysis workflow for a **paired-end** experiment. A [FASTQ](http://maq.sourceforge.net/fastq.shtml) input file has to be provided. The pipeline produces a sorted BAM file alongside with index BAI file, quality statistics of the input FASTQ file, coverage by estimated fragments as a BigWig file, peaks calling data in a form of narrowPeak or broadPeak files, islands with the assigned nearest genes and region type, data for average tag density plot. Workflow starts with step *fastx\_quality\_stats* from FASTX-Toolkit to calculate quality statistics for input FASTQ file. At the same time `bowtie` is used to align reads from input FASTQ file to reference genome *bowtie\_aligner*. The output of this step is an unsorted SAM file which is being sorted and indexed by `samtools sort` and `samtools index` *samtools\_sort\_index*. Depending on workflow’s input parameters indexed and sorted BAM file can be processed by `samtools rmdup` *samtools\_rmdup* to get rid of duplicated reads. If removing duplicates is not required the original BAM and BAI files are returned. Otherwise step *samtools\_sort\_index\_after\_rmdup* repeat `samtools sort` and `samtools index` with BAM and BAI files without duplicates. Next `macs2 callpeak` performs peak calling *macs2\_callpeak* and the next step reports *macs2\_island\_count* the number of islands and estimated fragment size. If the latter is less that 80bp (hardcoded in the workflow) `macs2 callpeak` is rerun again with forced fixed fragment size value (*macs2\_callpeak\_forced*). It is also possible to force MACS2 to use pre set fragment size in the first place. Next step (*macs2\_stat*) is used to define which of the islands and estimated fragment size should be used in workflow output: either from *macs2\_island\_count* step or from *macs2\_island\_count\_forced* step. If input trigger of this step is set to True it means that *macs2\_callpeak\_forced* step was run and it returned different from *macs2\_callpeak* step results, so *macs2\_stat* step should return [fragments\_new, fragments\_old, islands\_new], if trigger is False the step returns [fragments\_old, fragments\_old, islands\_old], where sufix \"old\" defines results obtained from *macs2\_island\_count* step and sufix \"new\" - from *macs2\_island\_count\_forced* step. The following two steps (*bamtools\_stats* and *bam\_to\_bigwig*) are used to calculate coverage from BAM file and save it in BigWig format. For that purpose bamtools stats returns the number of mapped reads which is then used as scaling factor by bedtools genomecov when it performs coverage calculation and saves it as a BEDgraph file whichis then sorted and converted to BigWig format by bedGraphToBigWig tool from UCSC utilities. Step *get\_stat* is used to return a text file with statistics in a form of [TOTAL, ALIGNED, SUPRESSED, USED] reads count. Step *island\_intersect* assigns nearest genes and regions to the islands obtained from *macs2\_callpeak\_forced*. Step *average\_tag\_density* is used to calculate data for average tag density plot from the BAM file.


Path: workflows/chipseq-pe.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 1f03ff02ef829bdb9d582825bcd4ca239e84ca2e

workflow graph tt_blastn_wnode


Path: task_types/tt_blastn_wnode.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 2353ee2550529ca5b0705c94b32022a21713db18

workflow graph exomeseq-gatk4-02-variantdiscovery.cwl


Path: subworkflows/exomeseq-gatk4-02-variantdiscovery.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: bbe24d8d7fde2e918583b96805909a2867b749d6