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workflow graph indexing_bed


Path: structuralvariants/cwl/subworkflows/indexing_bed.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: f248ac3ccbf6840af721251c7e9451abd9b2c09f

workflow graph bam-bedgraph-bigwig.cwl

Workflow converts input BAM file into bigWig and bedGraph files. Input BAM file should be sorted by coordinates (required by `bam_to_bedgraph` step). If `split` input is not provided use true by default. Default logic is implemented in `valueFrom` field of `split` input inside `bam_to_bedgraph` step to avoid possible bug in cwltool with setting default values for workflow inputs. `scale` has higher priority over the `mapped_reads_number`. The last one is used to calculate `-scale` parameter for `bedtools genomecov` (step `bam_to_bedgraph`) only in a case when input `scale` is not provided. All logic is implemented inside `bedtools-genomecov.cwl`. `bigwig_filename` defines the output name only for generated bigWig file. `bedgraph_filename` defines the output name for generated bedGraph file and can influence on generated bigWig filename in case when `bigwig_filename` is not provided. All workflow inputs and outputs don't have `format` field to avoid format incompatibility errors when workflow is used as subworkflow.


Path: tools/bam-bedgraph-bigwig.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: a409db2289b86779897ff19003bd351701a81c50

workflow graph Trim Galore SMARTer RNA-Seq pipeline paired-end strand specific

https://chipster.csc.fi/manual/library-type-summary.html Modified original [BioWardrobe's](https://biowardrobe.com) [PubMed ID:26248465](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26248465) **RNA-Seq** basic analysis for a **pair-end** experiment. A corresponded input [FASTQ](http://maq.sourceforge.net/fastq.shtml) file has to be provided. Current workflow should be used only with the single-end RNA-Seq data. It performs the following steps: 1. Trim adapters from input FASTQ files 2. Use STAR to align reads from input FASTQ files according to the predefined reference indices; generate unsorted BAM file and alignment statistics file 3. Use fastx_quality_stats to analyze input FASTQ files and generate quality statistics files 4. Use samtools sort to generate coordinate sorted BAM(+BAI) file pair from the unsorted BAM file obtained on the step 1 (after running STAR) 5. Generate BigWig file on the base of sorted BAM file 6. Map input FASTQ files to predefined rRNA reference indices using Bowtie to define the level of rRNA contamination; export resulted statistics to file 7. Calculate isoform expression level for the sorted BAM file and GTF/TAB annotation file using GEEP reads-counting utility; export results to file


Path: workflows/trim-rnaseq-pe-smarter-dutp.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: a409db2289b86779897ff19003bd351701a81c50

workflow graph kmer_seq_entry_extract_wnode


Path: task_types/tt_kmer_seq_entry_extract_wnode.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 2353ee2550529ca5b0705c94b32022a21713db18

workflow graph Single-cell RNA-Seq Aggregate

Single-cell RNA-Seq Aggregate ================================================================= Aggregates gene expression data from multiple Single-cell RNA-Seq Alignment experiments.


Path: workflows/sc-rna-aggregate-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 280cad66c2a5b2e1b66e4f8a5469942e88df5b74

workflow graph heatmap-prepare.cwl

Workflow runs homer-make-tag-directory.cwl tool using scatter for the following inputs - bam_file - fragment_size - total_reads `dotproduct` is used as a `scatterMethod`, so one element will be taken from each array to construct each job: 1) bam_file[0] fragment_size[0] total_reads[0] 2) bam_file[1] fragment_size[1] total_reads[1] ... N) bam_file[N] fragment_size[N] total_reads[N] `bam_file`, `fragment_size` and `total_reads` arrays should have the identical order.


Path: tools/heatmap-prepare.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: a409db2289b86779897ff19003bd351701a81c50

workflow graph group-isoforms-batch.cwl

Workflow runs group-isoforms.cwl tool using scatter for isoforms_file input. genes_filename and common_tss_filename inputs are ignored.


Path: tools/group-isoforms-batch.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: c9e7f3de7f6ba38ee663bd3f9649e8d7dbac0c86

workflow graph SAMSA2 pipeline

SAMSA2 complete workflow for meta-omics read annotation Steps: - Diamond read blastx - Refseq - SEED - SAMSA2 processing


Path: cwl/workflows/workflow_samsa2.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 0dd868de067a386be8ec6b147df007e213c7275a

workflow graph tt_univec_wnode.cwl


Path: task_types/tt_univec_wnode.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 61eaea2f746c8a1fc2a2b731056b068e28ca4e20

workflow graph kmer_build_tree


Path: task_types/tt_kmer_build_tree.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 2353ee2550529ca5b0705c94b32022a21713db18