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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph bact_get_kmer_reference


Path: task_types/tt_bact_get_kmer_reference.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: bb2f26dfe630179737ec2ff08a8614f1f47abcaf

workflow graph align_sort_sa


Path: task_types/tt_align_sort_sa.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: f18c1dce463509170ee3bf2844d5a3637ff706f5

workflow graph Raw sequence data to BQSR


Path: definitions/subworkflows/sequence_to_bqsr.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 509938802c5e42bb8084c6a5a26ab6425c60e69a

workflow graph align_merge_sas


Path: task_types/tt_align_merge_sas.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: f6950321e5c9ee733ad68a273d2ad8e802a6b982

workflow graph Subworkflow to allow calling different SV callers which require bam files as inputs


Path: definitions/subworkflows/single_sample_sv_callers.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 3a287b7cb6162cdea79865235d224fea45963d87

workflow graph Merge, annotate, and generate a TSV for SVs


Path: definitions/subworkflows/merge_svs.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 389f6edccab082d947bee9c032f59dbdf9f7c325

workflow graph samtools_mpileup_subpipeline.cwl


Path: janis_pipelines/wgs_somatic/cwl/tools/samtools_mpileup_subpipeline.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: db347697cbf46ed1d160d50666943bd56a2646f4

workflow graph FastQC - a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data

FastQC - a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data ===================================== FastQC aims to provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. It provides a modular set of analyses which you can use to give a quick impression of whether your data has any problems of which you should be aware before doing any further analysis. The main functions of FastQC are: - Import of data from FastQ files (any variant) - Providing a quick overview to tell you in which areas there may be problems - Summary graphs and tables to quickly assess your data - Export of results to an HTML based permanent report - Offline operation to allow automated generation of reports without running the interactive application


Path: workflows/fastqc.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 1f03ff02ef829bdb9d582825bcd4ca239e84ca2e

workflow graph assm_assm_blastn_wnode


Path: task_types/tt_assm_assm_blastn_wnode.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: f6950321e5c9ee733ad68a273d2ad8e802a6b982

workflow graph strelkaSomaticVariantCaller_v0_1_1.cwl


Path: janis_pipelines/wgs_somatic/cwl/tools/strelkaSomaticVariantCaller_v0_1_1.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: db347697cbf46ed1d160d50666943bd56a2646f4