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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph hello_world.cwl

Hello hello hello ``` code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code break code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code ``` <a href=\"https://github.com/Richard-Hansen/hello_world/new/master\">click me!</a> More descriptions, testing for custom name


Path: hello_world.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 8d449f4b9810b88111b991f3108b965cfdf8fd6f

workflow graph downsample unaligned BAM and align


Path: definitions/subworkflows/downsampled_alignment.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 844c10a4466ab39c02e5bfa7a210c195b8efa77a

workflow graph downsample unaligned BAM and align


Path: definitions/subworkflows/downsampled_alignment.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: eb0092603bf57acb7bda08a06e4f2f1e2a8c9b6d

workflow graph scatter-valuefrom-wf1.cwl


Path: v1.0/v1.0/scatter-valuefrom-wf1.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: e67f19d8a713759d761ecad050966d1eb043b85c

workflow graph scatter-wf4.cwl#main


Path: cwltool/schemas/v1.0/v1.0/scatter-wf4.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 520acbfb82455c4bdabd5f2ea24842804e1c9f58

Packed ID: main

workflow graph Apply filters to VCF file


Path: definitions/subworkflows/filter_vcf_nonhuman.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 509938802c5e42bb8084c6a5a26ab6425c60e69a

workflow graph Vcf concordance evaluation workflow


Path: definitions/subworkflows/vcf_eval_concordance.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: eb0092603bf57acb7bda08a06e4f2f1e2a8c9b6d

workflow graph scatter-wf2.cwl


Path: v1.0/v1.0/scatter-wf2.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: e67f19d8a713759d761ecad050966d1eb043b85c

workflow graph format_rrnas_from_seq_entry


Path: task_types/tt_format_rrnas_from_seq_entry.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 3384fa5776c183d33bef830696b6edc6ec55a292

workflow graph step-valuefrom2-wf.cwl


Path: tests/step-valuefrom2-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 368b562a1449e8cd39ae8b7f05926b2bfb9b22df