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Graph Name Retrieved From View
workflow graph cache_asnb_entries


Path: task_types/tt_cache_asnb_entries.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: bb2f26dfe630179737ec2ff08a8614f1f47abcaf

workflow graph Unaligned BAM to BQSR and VCF


Path: definitions/subworkflows/bam_to_bqsr_no_dup_marking.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 68eda647259849ca81ac0bb07a24bc8a4465a630

workflow graph collect_pair_files.cwl


Path: modules/pair/collect_pair_files.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 46eddf1e191352cad5e95dd3c24eeae3738da485

workflow graph Motif Finding with HOMER with random background regions

Motif Finding with HOMER with random background regions --------------------------------------------------- HOMER contains a novel motif discovery algorithm that was designed for regulatory element analysis in genomics applications (DNA only, no protein). It is a differential motif discovery algorithm, which means that it takes two sets of sequences and tries to identify the regulatory elements that are specifically enriched in on set relative to the other. It uses ZOOPS scoring (zero or one occurrence per sequence) coupled with the hypergeometric enrichment calculations (or binomial) to determine motif enrichment. HOMER also tries its best to account for sequenced bias in the dataset. It was designed with ChIP-Seq and promoter analysis in mind, but can be applied to pretty much any nucleic acids motif finding problem. Here is how we generate background for Motifs Analysis ------------------------------------- 1. Take input file with regions in a form of “chr\" “start\" “end\" 2. Sort and remove duplicates from this regions file 3. Extend each region in 20Kb into both directions 4. Merge all overlapped extended regions 5. Subtract not extended regions from the extended ones 6. Randomly distribute not extended regions within the regions that we got as a result of the previous step 7. Get fasta file from these randomly distributed regions (from the previous step). Use it as background For more information please refer to: ------------------------------------- [Official documentation](http://homer.ucsd.edu/homer/motif/)


Path: workflows/homer-motif-analysis.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: b957a4f681bf0ca8ebba4e0d0ec3936bf79620c5

workflow graph Detect Variants workflow


Path: definitions/pipelines/detect_variants_mouse.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 9e5f228bc1a3d0dfe950b5d41d7e4319e834a6d4

workflow graph io-int-optional-wf.cwl


Path: v1.0/v1.0/io-int-optional-wf.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: e67f19d8a713759d761ecad050966d1eb043b85c

workflow graph Per-region pindel


Path: definitions/subworkflows/pindel_cat.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 35e6b3ef71b4a2a9caba1dbd5dc424a8809bcc0a

workflow graph varscan somatic workflow


Path: definitions/subworkflows/varscan.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 00df82a529a58d362158110581e1daa28b4d7ecb

workflow graph Unaligned bam to sorted, markduped bam


Path: definitions/subworkflows/align_sort_markdup.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 844c10a4466ab39c02e5bfa7a210c195b8efa77a

workflow graph Gathered Downsample and HaplotypeCaller


Path: definitions/pipelines/gathered_downsample_and_recall.cwl

Branch/Commit ID: 742dbafb5fb103d8578f48a0576c14dd8dae3b2a