Workflow: list ZIP content by URL

Fetched 2023-01-13 08:16:24 GMT

curl will download a HTTP/HTTPS resource or file from a given URL, following any redirections.

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ID Type Title Doc
url String

The URL of the ZIP archive to inspect.


ID Runs Label Doc
../tools/sunzip-list.cwl (CommandLineTool)
sunzip: list files from zip stream

sunzip is a streaming unzip tool that bypasses or delays the need for reading the ZIP files table of content, which is located at end of the ZIP file. The sunzip -l option print the file and directory names as they are encountered in the stream, without uncompressing any of the content. Note that file names from the local file headers are less reliable than the end-of-file TOC that would otherwise be used, and may include duplicates, deleted and encrypted files. The output may be incomplete or wrong if the ZIP file is corrupt or incomplete.

../tools/curl-get.cwl (CommandLineTool)
curl: download HTTP resource from URL

curl will download a HTTP/HTTPS resource or file from a given URL, following any redirections.


ID Type Label Doc
headers File

A log of the HTTP response headers.

filenames File

A list of filenames and directories encountered in the ZIP archive, seperated by newline.
