Workflow: 5S-from-tablehits.cwl

Fetched 2025-02-18 06:50:20 GMT
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ID Type Title Doc
table_hits File output of infernal's cmsearch


ID Runs Label Doc
pull-5Ss.cwl (CommandLineTool)
extract-coords-from-cmsearch.cwl (CommandLineTool)

The awk script takes the output of Infernal's cmsearch so-called fmt=1 mode and makes it suitable for use by esl-sfetch, a sequence selector

Reading the user's guide for Infernal, Version 1.1.2; July 2016 we see that the relevant fields in the cmsearch output are: (column number: explanation) 1: The name of the target sequence or profile 3: The name of the query sequence or profile 8: The start of the alignment of this hit with respect to the sequence, numbered 1..L for a sequence of L residues. 9: The end of the alignment of this hit with respect to the sequence, numbered 1..L for a sequence of L residues

Likewise the format esl-sfetch wants is: <newname> <from> <to> <source seqname>

Putting it all together we see that the newname (which esl-sfetch with output using) is a concatenation of the original name, the sequence number, and the coordinates.


ID Type Label Doc
5S_coordinates File