Workflow: blastp_wnode_struct

Fetched 2023-01-11 00:15:22 GMT
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Workflow as SVG
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ID Type Title Doc
ids File[]
seg String
lds2 File
ofmt String
taxid Integer
dbsize String
evalue Float (Optional)
blastdb String[]
compart Boolean
affinity String
max_jobs Integer
no_merge Boolean
proteins File
taxon_db File
asn_cache Directory[]
nogenbank Boolean
threshold Integer
word_size Integer
batch-size Integer (Optional)
blast_type String (Optional)
genus_list Integer[]
blastdb_dir Directory
align_filter String
soft_masking String
top_by_score Integer
extra_coverage Integer (Optional)
max_target_seqs Integer
blast_hits_cache File (Optional)
comp_based_stats String
max_batch_length Integer
allow_intersection Boolean
scatter_gather_nchunks String


ID Runs Label Doc
../split_jobs/split.cwl (CommandLineTool)
cwl split wrapper
../progs/gpx_qsubmit.cwl (CommandLineTool)

This workflow is specialized for the case when there is an LDS2 input LDS2 is a _reference_ object, the kind that CWL does not like we need to provide actual input: proteins which matches the name of ASN.1 object references in LDS2 Another limitation is that it can handle no more than two item arrays in blastdb_dir and asn_cache Workaround used so far: in: proteins: default: class: File path: '/dev/null' basename: 'null' contents: ''

../split_jobs/cat_array_of_files.cwl (CommandLineTool)
file concatenation
cluster_and_qdump cluster_blastp_wnode and gpx_qdump combined


ID Type Label Doc
blast_align File[]