Workflow: workflow_with_facets.cwl

Fetched 2025-02-17 21:12:43 GMT

CWL workflow for generating Roslin / Argos post pipeline analysis files and cBioPortal data and metadata files This workflow includes Facets and Facets Suite usages Inputs ------ The following parameters are required: project_id project_pi request_pi project_short_name project_name project_description cancer_type cancer_study_identifier argos_version_string helix_filter_version is_impact extra_pi_groups pairs The following filenames are required: analysis_mutations_filename analysis_gene_cna_filename analysis_sv_filename analysis_segment_cna_filename cbio_segment_data_filename cbio_meta_cna_segments_filename The following filenames have default values and are optional: cbio_mutation_data_filename cbio_cna_data_filename cbio_fusion_data_filename cbio_clinical_patient_data_filename cbio_clinical_sample_data_filename cbio_clinical_sample_meta_filename cbio_clinical_patient_meta_filename cbio_meta_study_filename cbio_meta_cna_filename cbio_meta_fusions_filename cbio_meta_mutations_filename cbio_cases_all_filename cbio_cases_cnaseq_filename cbio_cases_cna_filename cbio_cases_sequenced_filename Output ------ Workflow output should look like this: output ├── analysis │   ├── <project_id>.gene.cna.txt │   ├── <project_id>.muts.maf │   ├── <project_id>.seg.cna.txt │   └── <project_id>.svs.maf ├── facets │ ├── <tumor_id>.<normal_id> (passed) │ │ └── <facets_files> │ └── <tumor_id>.<normal_id> (failed) │ └── <log_files> └── portal ├── case_list │   ├── cases_all.txt │   ├── cases_cnaseq.txt │   ├── cases_cna.txt │   └── cases_sequenced.txt ├── data_clinical_patient.txt ├── data_clinical_sample.txt ├── data_CNA.ascna.txt ├── data_CNA.scna.txt ├── data_CNA.txt ├── data_sv.txt ├── data_fusions.txt ├── data_mutations_extended.txt ├── meta_clinical_patient.txt ├── meta_clinical_sample.txt ├── meta_CNA.txt ├── meta_sv.txt ├── meta_fusions.txt ├── meta_mutations_extended.txt ├── meta_study.txt ├── <project_id>_data_cna_hg19.seg └── <project_id>_meta_cna_hg19_seg.txt

children parents
Workflow as SVG
  • Selected
  • Default Values
  • Nested Workflows
  • Tools
  • Inputs/Outputs


ID Type Title Doc

list of tumor normal sample pairs

is_impact Boolean

whether or not the project is an IMPACT project; should be the value 'True' if so, otherwise any other value means 'False'

project_id String

unique identifier for the project

project_pi String

principle investigator for the project

request_pi String

principle investigator who requested the project

cancer_type String

the type of cancer used in the project

project_name String

a formal name for the project

targets_list File
assay_coverage String

genome_coverage value; amount of the genome in bp covered by the assay

extra_cna_files File[] (Optional)

Extra CNA data files to be merged in with the portal CNA data

extra_pi_groups String (Optional)

a list of other groups to be associated with the project in cBioPortal

tumor_bam_files File[]

Array of tumor bam files. Must match the same order of sample pairs in 'pairs' input field

IMPACT_gene_list File

TSV file with gene labels and corresponding impact assays

extra_sample_ids String[] (Optional)

Extra sample ids that should be included in case list files

normal_bam_files File[]

Array of normal bam files. Must match the same order of sample pairs in 'pairs' input field

data_clinical_file File
known_fusions_file File
project_short_name String

a short name for the project in cBioPortal

project_description String

a description of the project

sample_summary_file File (Optional)
analysis_sv_filename String


argos_version_string String

the version label of Roslin / Argos used to run the project analysis

helix_filter_version String

the version label of this helix filter repo (git describe --all --long)

microsatellites_file File

Microsatellites list file to use with MSI Sensor

cbio_meta_sv_filename String
cbio_sv_data_filename String
cbio_cna_data_filename String
cbio_meta_cna_filename String
mutation_svs_maf_files File[]


mutation_svs_txt_files File[]


cancer_study_identifier String

a study identifier for the project to use in cBioPortal

cbio_cases_all_filename String
cbio_cases_cna_filename String
cbio_meta_study_filename String
cbio_fusion_data_filename String
analysis_gene_cna_filename String


cbio_cases_cnaseq_filename String
cbio_meta_fusions_filename String
cbio_segment_data_filename String


analysis_mutations_filename String


cbio_cna_scna_data_filename String
cbio_mutation_data_filename String
cbio_cna_ascna_data_filename String
cbio_meta_mutations_filename String
analysis_segment_cna_filename String


cbio_cases_sequenced_filename String
cbio_meta_cna_segments_filename String


analysis_mutations_share_filename String


cbio_clinical_sample_data_filename String
cbio_clinical_sample_meta_filename String
cbio_clinical_patient_data_filename String
cbio_clinical_patient_meta_filename String


ID Runs Label Doc
msi_workflow.cwl (Workflow)

Workflow to run the MSI analysis on a batch of samples

update_cBioPortal_data.cwl (CommandLineTool)
facets-workflow.cwl (Workflow)

Workflow for running Facets-suite on a set of tumor normal pairs This workflow scatters over all the pairs in the input JSON to run all samples in parallel Input JSON format ----------------- { \"pairs\": [ { \"tumor_bam\": { \"class\": \"File\", \"path\": \"/test_data/bam/\" }, \"normal_bam\": { \"class\": \"File\", \"path\": \"/test_data/bam/\" }, \"pair_maf\": { \"class\": \"File\", \"path\": \"/test_data/bam/Tumor1.Normal1.maf\" }, \"pair_id\": \"Tumor1.Normal1\" }, { \"tumor_bam\": { \"class\": \"File\", \"path\": \"/test_data/bam/\" }, \"normal_bam\": { \"class\": \"File\", \"path\": \"/test_data/bam/\" }, \"pair_maf\": { \"class\": \"File\", \"path\": \"/test_data/bam/Tumor2.Normal2.maf\" }, \"pair_id\": \"Tumor2.Normal2\" } ] }

Output format ------------- output └── facets-suite ├── Tumor1.Normal1.arm_level.txt ├── Tumor1.Normal1.gene_level.txt ├── Tumor1.Normal1_hisens.ccf.maf ├── Tumor1.Normal1_hisens.rds ├── Tumor1.Normal1_hisens.seg ├── Tumor1.Normal1_purity.rds ├── Tumor1.Normal1_purity.seg ├── Tumor1.Normal1.qc.txt ├── Tumor1.Normal1.snp_pileup.gz ├── Tumor1.Normal1.txt ├── Tumor2.Normal2.arm_level.txt ├── Tumor2.Normal2.gene_level.txt ├── Tumor2.Normal2_hisens.ccf.maf ├── Tumor2.Normal2_hisens.rds ├── Tumor2.Normal2_hisens.seg ├── Tumor2.Normal2_purity.rds ├── Tumor2.Normal2_purity.seg ├── Tumor2.Normal2.qc.txt ├── Tumor2.Normal2.snp_pileup.gz ├── Tumor2.Normal2.txt └── logs ├── success └── failed

688c2b3cc756bc5b09c6eb48579960ca (ExpressionTool)
bb6b6286ac57c5c9d95b01c63c9122bb (ExpressionTool)
tmb_workflow.cwl (Workflow)

Workflow to run the TMB analysis on a batch of samples and merge the results back into a single data clinical file

concat-tables.cwl (CommandLineTool)
convert_TNMafPileupPair_to_MSIInputPair.cwl (ExpressionTool)
convert_TNMafPileupPair_to_TMBInputPair.cwl (ExpressionTool)
6e3869bac4b85376f5cdb860c9bae567 (ExpressionTool)
portal-workflow.cwl (Workflow)


ID Type Label Doc
msi_dir Directory
tmb_dir Directory
facets_dir Directory
portal_dir Directory
analysis_dir Directory