Workflow: spaceTxConversion.cwl

Fetched 2024-05-19 00:44:30 GMT
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Workflow as SVG
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ID Type Title Doc
tiffs Directory

The directory containing all .tiff files

codebook (Optional)
dir_size Long (Optional)

Size of tiffs, in MiB. If provided, will be used to calculate ResourceRequirement.

file_vars String[] (Optional)

Variables to get substituted into the file_format string.

fov_count Integer (Optional)

The number of FOVs that are included in this experiment

locs_json File (Optional)

Flattened json input, refer to record entry.

add_blanks Boolean (Optional)

If true, will add blanks with a hamming distance 1 from the existing codes.

fov_offset Integer (Optional)

The index of the first FOV (for file names).

file_format String (Optional)

String with layout for .tiff files

round_count Integer (Optional)

The number of imaging rounds in the experiment

aux_tilesets (Optional)
codebook_csv File (Optional)

Flattened csv input, refer to record entry.

round_offset Integer (Optional)

The index of the first round (for file names).

zplane_count Integer (Optional)

The number of z-planes in each image

channel_count Integer (Optional)

The number of total channels per imaging round

codebook_json File (Optional)

Flattened json input, refer to record entry.

data_org_file File (Optional)

The data org file used to describe .dax formatted images.

zplane_offset Integer (Optional)

The index of the first zplane (for file names).

channel_offset Integer (Optional)

The index of the first channel (for file names).

parameter_json File (Optional)

json file with values to be read into other input variables.

fov_positioning (Optional)
cache_read_order String[] (Optional)

Order of non x,y dimensions within each image.


ID Runs Label Doc
tmpdir.cwl (ExpressionTool)
aeba4da96c3befb9ea398cd010830870 (CommandLineTool)
inputParser.cwl (ExpressionTool)
de672a2b24d846b21d57fb9ca5c74211 (CommandLineTool)


ID Type Label Doc
spaceTx_converted Directory