Workflow: psortedDefaultParams.cwl

Fetched 2024-11-25 04:56:41 GMT
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Workflow as SVG
  • Selected
  • Default Values
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ID Type Title Doc
exp_dir Directory

Converted experiment with converted codebook from prior step.

aux_names String[] (Optional)

list of the aux view names. Assumed none if blank.

channel_count Integer (Optional)

the number of channel expected for this experiment.

parameter_json File (Optional)

Json containing information for the dataset

cache_read_order String[] (Optional)

Cache read order for files. Will strip any CH dimensions.

aux_cache_read_order String[] (Optional)

Cache read order for aux views. Will strip any CH dimensions.


ID Runs Label Doc
80b52ab56fab7ef67ecbcf70a2552820 (CommandLineTool)
inputParser.cwl (ExpressionTool)
ce12094414d03bc6b1ccb9cd36f6e9ab (ExpressionTool)


ID Type Label Doc
codebook File
aux_names String[] (Optional)

list of the aux view names. Assumed none if blank.

file_vars String[]
fov_count Integer
fov_offset Integer
file_format String
round_count Integer
round_offset Integer
zplane_count Integer
aux_file_vars String[]
channel_count Integer (Optional)

the number of channel expected for this experiment.

zplane_offset Integer
channel_offset Integer
aux_file_formats String[]
cache_read_order String[] (Optional)

Cache read order for files. Will strip any CH dimensions.

aux_channel_count Integer[]
aux_channel_slope String[]
aux_cache_read_order String[] (Optional)

Cache read order for aux views. Will strip any CH dimensions.

aux_channel_intercept String[]