- Selected
- |
- Default Values
- Nested Workflows
- Tools
- Inputs/Outputs
This workflow is Open Source and may be reused according to the terms of:
GNU General Public License v3.0 only
Note that the tools invoked by the workflow may have separate licenses.
ID | Type | Title | Doc |
assay | String | scRNA-seq assay | |
threads | Integer | Number of threads for Salmon | |
fastq_dir | Directory[] | Directory containing FASTQ files | |
keep_all_barcodes | Boolean (Optional) | ||
expected_cell_count | Integer (Optional) |
ID | Runs | Label | Doc |
fastqc |
Runs fastQC on each fastq file in fastq directory | |
scanpy_analysis |
Dimensionality reduction and clustering | |
scvelo_analysis |
RNA velocity analysis via scVelo | |
compute_qc_results |
Compute QC metrics | |
salmon_quantification |
Salmon quantification, FASTQ -> H5AD count matrix |
ID | Type | Label | Doc |
qc_report | File | Quality control report in JSON format | |
umap_plot | File | UMAP dimensionality reduction plot | |
fastqc_dir | Directory[] | Directory of FastQC output files, mirroring input directory structure | |
salmon_output | Directory | Full output of `salmon alevin` | |
slideseq_plot | File (Optional) | Slide-seq bead plot, colored by Leiden cluster | |
dispersion_plot | File | Gene expression dispersion plot | |
raw_count_matrix | File | Unfiltered count matrix from Alevin, converted to H5AD, with intronic counts as separate columns | |
count_matrix_h5ad | File | Unfiltered count matrix from Alevin, converted to H5AD, spliced and unspliced counts | |
genome_build_json | File | Genome build information in JSON format | |
scanpy_qc_results | File | Quality control metrics from Scanpy | |
umap_density_plot | File | UMAP dimensionality reduction plot, colored by cell density | |
filtered_data_h5ad | File | Full data set of filtered results |
Full data set of filtered results: expression matrix, coordinates in dimensionality-reduced space (PCA and UMAP), cluster assignments via the Leiden algorithm, and marker genes for one cluster vs. rest |
scvelo_annotated_h5ad | File | scVelo-annotated h5ad file, including cell RNA velocity | |
marker_gene_plot_logreg | File | Cluster marker genes, logreg method | |
marker_gene_plot_t_test | File | Cluster marker genes, t-test | |
scvelo_embedding_grid_plot | File | scVelo velocity embedding grid plot |