Workflow: Whole genome alignment and somatic variant detection

Fetched 2023-01-10 01:37:14 GMT
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ID Type Title Doc
docm_vcf File
omni_vcf File
trimming (Optional)
reference String
tumor_name String (Optional)
normal_name String (Optional)
qc_intervals File
somalier_vcf File
manta_non_wgs Boolean (Optional)
scatter_count Integer

scatters each supported variant detector (varscan, pindel, mutect) into this many parallel jobs

synonyms_file File (Optional)
vep_cache_dir Directory
bqsr_intervals String[]
cle_vcf_filter Boolean
tumor_sequence[] tumor_sequence: MT sequencing data and readgroup information

tumor_sequence represents the sequencing data for the MT sample as either FASTQs or BAMs with accompanying readgroup information. Note that in the @RG field ID and SM are required.

normal_sequence[] normal_sequence: WT sequencing data and readgroup information

normal_sequence represents the sequencing data for the WT sample as either FASTQs or BAMs with accompanying readgroup information. Note that in the @RG field ID and SM are required.

varscan_p_value Float (Optional)
bqsr_known_sites File[]

One or more databases of known polymorphic sites used to exclude regions around known polymorphisms from analysis.

target_intervals File
tumor_sample_name String
manta_call_regions File (Optional)
normal_sample_name String
pindel_insert_size Integer
validated_variants File (Optional)

An optional VCF with variants that will be flagged as 'VALIDATED' if found in this pipeline's main output VCF

vep_ensembl_species String

ensembl species - Must be present in the cache directory. Examples: homo_sapiens or mus_musculus

vep_ensembl_version String

ensembl version - Must be present in the cache directory. Example: 95

vep_to_table_fields String[]
annotate_coding_only Boolean (Optional)
filter_docm_variants Boolean (Optional)
manta_output_contigs Boolean (Optional)
strelka_cpu_reserved Integer (Optional)
varscan_min_coverage Integer (Optional)
varscan_min_var_freq Float (Optional)
vep_ensembl_assembly String

genome assembly to use in vep. Examples: GRCh38 or GRCm38

varscan_strand_filter Integer (Optional)

custom type, check types directory for input format

qc_minimum_base_quality Integer (Optional)
varscan_max_normal_freq Float (Optional)
variants_to_table_fields String[]
cnvkit_target_average_size Integer (Optional)

approximate size of split target bins for CNVkit; if not set a suitable window size will be set by CNVkit automatically

qc_minimum_mapping_quality Integer (Optional)
filter_somatic_llr_threshold Float

Sets the stringency (log-likelihood ratio) used to filter out non-somatic variants. Typical values are 10=high stringency, 5=normal, 3=low stringency. Low stringency may be desirable when read depths are low (as in WGS) or when tumor samples are impure.

mutect_artifact_detection_mode Boolean
filter_somatic_llr_tumor_purity Float

Sets the purity of the tumor used in the somatic llr filter, used to remove non-somatic variants. Probably only needs to be adjusted for low-purity (< 50%). Range is 0 to 1

picard_metric_accumulation_level String
variants_to_table_genotype_fields String[]
mutect_max_alt_alleles_in_normal_count Integer (Optional)
mutect_max_alt_allele_in_normal_fraction Float (Optional)
filter_somatic_llr_normal_contamination_rate Float

Sets the fraction of tumor present in the normal sample (range 0 to 1), used in the somatic llr filter. Useful for heavily contaminated adjacent normals. Range is 0 to 1


ID Runs Label Doc
../tools/manta_somatic.cwl (CommandLineTool)
Set up and execute manta
../tools/cnvkit_batch.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Note: cnvkit batch is a complex command that is capable of running all or part of the cnvkit internal pipeline, depending on the combination of inputs provided to it. In order to take advantage of this, most inputs to this cwl are optional, so that different workflows can use different forms of the command while still using a single cwl file. For further reading, see the relevant cnvkit docs at In our pipelines, the command form is mainly determined by the components of the reference input. The somatic_exome cwl pipeline provides a fasta file and a normal bam, which causes the batch pipeline to construct a copy number reference (.cnn file) based on the normal bam. The germline_wgs cwl pipeline does not provide a normal bam; instead it passes a cnn reference file as an optional input. This file is intended to be manually generated from a reference normal sample for use in the pipeline. If it is not provided, cnvkit will automatically generate a flat reference file.

../tools/concordance.cwl (CommandLineTool)
Concordance checking between Tumor and Normal BAM
detect_variants Detect Variants workflow for WGS pipeline
../tools/index_cram.cwl (CommandLineTool)
samtools index cram
../tools/index_cram.cwl (CommandLineTool)
samtools index cram
../tools/bam_to_cram.cwl (CommandLineTool)
BAM to CRAM conversion
../tools/bam_to_cram.cwl (CommandLineTool)
BAM to CRAM conversion
alignment_wgs.cwl (Workflow)
wgs alignment with qc
alignment_wgs.cwl (Workflow)
wgs alignment with qc


ID Type Label Doc
final_tsv File
final_vcf File
tumor_cram File
normal_cram File
vep_summary File
all_candidates File
tumor_flagstats File
diploid_variants File (Optional)
normal_flagstats File
small_candidates File
somatic_variants File (Optional)
docm_filtered_vcf File
tumor_wgs_metrics File
final_filtered_vcf File
normal_wgs_metrics File
mutect_filtered_vcf File
tumor_only_variants File (Optional)
strelka_filtered_vcf File
varscan_filtered_vcf File
mutect_unfiltered_vcf File
tumor_gc_bias_metrics File
normal_gc_bias_metrics File
strelka_unfiltered_vcf File
varscan_unfiltered_vcf File
tumor_summary_hs_metrics File[]
normal_summary_hs_metrics File[]
tumor_insert_size_metrics File
tumor_per_base_hs_metrics File[]
tumor_verify_bam_id_depth File
normal_insert_size_metrics File
normal_per_base_hs_metrics File[]
normal_verify_bam_id_depth File
tumor_gc_bias_metrics_chart File
tumor_insert_size_histogram File
tumor_per_target_hs_metrics File[]
tumor_snv_bam_readcount_tsv File
tumor_verify_bam_id_metrics File
normal_gc_bias_metrics_chart File
normal_insert_size_histogram File
normal_per_target_hs_metrics File[]
normal_snv_bam_readcount_tsv File
normal_verify_bam_id_metrics File
somalier_concordance_metrics File
tumor_gc_bias_metrics_summary File
tumor_indel_bam_readcount_tsv File
tumor_mark_duplicates_metrics File
normal_gc_bias_metrics_summary File
normal_indel_bam_readcount_tsv File
normal_mark_duplicates_metrics File
somalier_concordance_statistics File
tumor_alignment_summary_metrics File
tumor_per_base_coverage_metrics File[]
normal_alignment_summary_metrics File
normal_per_base_coverage_metrics File[]
tumor_per_target_coverage_metrics File[]
normal_per_target_coverage_metrics File[]