- Selected
- |
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- Nested Workflows
- Tools
- Inputs/Outputs
This workflow is Open Source and may be reused according to the terms of:
MIT License
Note that the tools invoked by the workflow may have separate licenses.
ID | Type | Title | Doc |
sequence | https://w3id.org/cwl/view/git/7638b3075863ae8172f4adaec82fb2eb8e80d3d5/definitions/types/sequence_data.yml#sequence_data[] | sequence: sequencing data and readgroup information |
sequence represents the sequencing data as either FASTQs or BAMs with accompanying readgroup information. Note that in the @RG field ID and SM are required for FASTQs. For BAMs, this pipeline assumes that the RG information is already in the header. |
reference | File | ||
sample_name | String | ||
read_structure | String[] | ||
target_intervals | File (Optional) |
ID | Runs | Label | Doc |
index_cram |
samtools index cram | |
bam_to_cram |
BAM to CRAM conversion | |
sequence_to_bam |
resolve sequence type to a bam | |
alignment_workflow |
umi molecular alignment workflow |
ID | Type | Label | Doc |
aligned_cram | File | ||
adapter_histogram | File[] | ||
duplex_seq_metrics | File[] |