Workflow: Filter differentially expressed genes from DESeq for Tag Density Profile Analyses

Fetched 2023-01-04 15:33:01 GMT

Filters differentially expressed genes from DESeq for Tag Density Profile Analyses ================================================================================== Tool filters output from DESeq pipeline run for genes to create a file with regions of interest for Tag Density Profile Analyses.

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ID Type Title Doc
alias String Experiment short name/Alias
header Boolean (Optional) Include header line

Print header line in the output file

columns String[] (Optional) Columns to print

List of columns to print (SELECT parameters for SQL query). Need to have format [chrom start end name score strand]. No header. 4th columns should be unique, so we use GeneId for that. 5th columns will be ignored by Tag Density pipeline, so we use log2FoldChange.

sql_query String Filtering parameters

Filtering parameters (WHERE parameters for SQL query)

feature_file File [TSV] DESeq experiment run for genes

TSV file with differentially expressed genes from DESeq pipeline


ID Runs Label Doc
../tools/feature-select-sql.cwl (CommandLineTool)
Feature select - filters TSV/CSV files based on the provided SQL query parameters

Tool filters input TSV/CSV file based on the provided SQL query. Value set in sql_query parameter will be appended to the \"SELECT * FROM raw_data WHERE\". Column names in sql_query are case insensitive. Format of the input files is identified based on file extension *.csv - CSV *.tsv - TSV Otherwise used CSV by default. Output is always saved in TSV format.


ID Type Label Doc
filtered_file File [BED] Filtered differentially expressed genes

Regions of interest formatted as headerless BED file with [chrom start end name score strand]

filtering_stderr_log File [Textual format] Filtering stderr log

Filtering stderr log

filtering_stdout_log File [Textual format] Filtering stdout log

Filtering stdout log
