Workflow: CLIP-Seq pipeline for single-read experiment NNNNG

Fetched 2023-01-09 03:57:01 GMT

Cross-Linking ImmunoPrecipitation ================================= `CLIP` (`cross-linking immunoprecipitation`) is a method used in molecular biology that combines UV cross-linking with immunoprecipitation in order to analyse protein interactions with RNA or to precisely locate RNA modifications (e.g. m6A). (Uhl|Houwaart|Corrado|Wright|Backofen|2017)(Ule|Jensen|Ruggiu|Mele|2003)(Sugimoto|König|Hussain|Zupan|2012)(Zhang|Darnell|2011) (Ke| Alemu| Mertens| Gantman|2015) CLIP-based techniques can be used to map RNA binding protein binding sites or RNA modification sites (Ke| Alemu| Mertens| Gantman|2015)(Ke| Pandya-Jones| Saito| Fak|2017) of interest on a genome-wide scale, thereby increasing the understanding of post-transcriptional regulatory networks. The identification of sites where RNA-binding proteins (RNABPs) interact with target RNAs opens the door to understanding the vast complexity of RNA regulation. UV cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) is a transformative technology in which RNAs purified from _in vivo_ cross-linked RNA-protein complexes are sequenced to reveal footprints of RNABP:RNA contacts. CLIP combined with high-throughput sequencing (HITS-CLIP) is a generalizable strategy to produce transcriptome-wide maps of RNA binding with higher accuracy and resolution than standard RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) profiling or purely computational approaches. The application of CLIP to Argonaute proteins has expanded the utility of this approach to mapping binding sites for microRNAs and other small regulatory RNAs. Finally, recent advances in data analysis take advantage of cross-link–induced mutation sites (CIMS) to refine RNA-binding maps to single-nucleotide resolution. Once IP conditions are established, HITS-CLIP takes ~8 d to prepare RNA for sequencing. Established pipelines for data analysis, including those for CIMS, take 3–4 d. Workflow -------- CLIP begins with the in-vivo cross-linking of RNA-protein complexes using ultraviolet light (UV). Upon UV exposure, covalent bonds are formed between proteins and nucleic acids that are in close proximity. (Darnell|2012) The cross-linked cells are then lysed, and the protein of interest is isolated via immunoprecipitation. In order to allow for sequence specific priming of reverse transcription, RNA adapters are ligated to the 3' ends, while radiolabeled phosphates are transferred to the 5' ends of the RNA fragments. The RNA-protein complexes are then separated from free RNA using gel electrophoresis and membrane transfer. Proteinase K digestion is then performed in order to remove protein from the RNA-protein complexes. This step leaves a peptide at the cross-link site, allowing for the identification of the cross-linked nucleotide. (König| McGlincy| Ule|2012) After ligating RNA linkers to the RNA 5' ends, cDNA is synthesized via RT-PCR. High-throughput sequencing is then used to generate reads containing distinct barcodes that identify the last cDNA nucleotide. Interaction sites can be identified by mapping the reads back to the transcriptome.

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ID Type Title Doc
adapter String (Optional) Adapter sequence to be trimmed

Adapter sequence to be trimmed. If not specified explicitly, Trim Galore will try to auto-detect whether the Illumina universal, Nextera transposase or Illumina small RNA adapter sequence was used. Also see '--illumina', '--nextera' and '--small_rna'. If no adapter can be detected within the first 1 million sequences of the first file specified Trim Galore defaults to '--illumina'.

species String (Optional) Species string for clipper (hg38, mm10)

species: one of ce10 ce11 dm3 hg19 GRCh38 mm9 mm10

threads Integer (Optional) Number of threads

Number of threads for those steps that support multithreading

bc_pattern String (Optional) Barcode pattern
fastq_file File [FASTQ] FASTQ input file

Reads data in a FASTQ format, received after single end sequencing

clip_3p_end Integer (Optional) Clip from 3p end

Number of bases to clip from the 3p end

clip_5p_end Integer (Optional) Clip from 5p end

Number of bases to clip from the 5p end

exclude_chr String (Optional) Chromosome to be excluded in rpkm calculation

Chromosome to be excluded in rpkm calculation

extract_method UMI extract method 'string' or 'regex'

How to extract the umi +/- cell barcodes, Choose from 'string' or 'regex'

annotation_file File [TSV] Annotation file

Tab-separated annotation file

chrom_length_file File [Textual format] Chromosomes length file

Chromosomes length file

star_indices_folder Directory STAR indices folder

Path to STAR generated indices

bowtie_indices_folder Directory BowTie Ribosomal Indices

Path to Bowtie generated indices


ID Runs Label Doc
../tools/clipper.cwl (CommandLineTool)

CLIPper is a tool to define peaks in your CLIP-seq dataset. CLIPper was developed in the Yeo Lab at the University of California, San Diego. Usage: clipper --bam --species hg19 --outfile

../tools/bedtools-bamtobed.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Converts BAM to BED. All Options are not implemented.

../tools/umi-tools-dedup.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Deduplicate BAM files based on the first mapping co-ordinate and the UMI attached to the read Only -I, --paired and -S parameters are implemented.

../tools/clip-toolkit-tag2peak.cwl (CommandLineTool)

detecting peaks from CLIP data Usage: [options] <tag.bed> <peak.bed> <tag.bed> : BED file of unique CLIP tags, input <peak.bed>: BED file of called peaks, output Options: -big : big input file -ss : separate the two strands --valley-seeking : find candidate peaks by valley seeking --valley-depth [float] : depth of valley if valley seeking (0.9) --out-boundary [string]: output cluster boundaries --out-half-PH [string]: output half peak height boundaries --dbkey [string]: species to retrieve the default gene bed file (mm10|hg19) --gene [string]: custom gene bed file for scan statistics (will override --dbkey) --use-expr : use expression levels given in the score column in the custom gene bed file for normalization -p [float] : threshold of p-value to call peak (0.01) --multi-test : do Bonferroni multiple test correction -minPH [int] : min peak height (2) -maxPH [int] : max peak height to calculate p-value(-1, no limit if < 0) --skip-out-of-range-peaks: skip peaks with PH > maxPH -gap [int] : merge cluster peaks closer than the gap (-1, no merge if < 0) --prefix [string]: prefix of peak id (Peak) -c [dir] : cache dir --keep-cache : keep cache when the job done -v : verbose

../tools/trimgalore.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool runs Trimgalore - the wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files.

`default_log_name` function returns names for generated log files (for both paired-end and single-end cases). `trim_galore` itself doesn't support setting custom names for output files.

For paired-end data processing both `input_file_pair` and `paired` should be set. If either of them is not set, the other one becomes unset automatically.

If input trigger was set to false, skip running trimaglore and return unchanged input files

../tools/umi-tools-extract.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Extract UMI barcode from a read and add it to the read name, leaving any sample barcode in place. Can deal with paired end reads and UMIs split across the paired ends. Can also optionally extract cell barcodes and append these to the read name also. See the section below for an explanation for how to encode the barcode pattern(s) to specficy the position of the UMI +/- cell barcode.

../tools/star-alignreads.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool runs STAR alignReads.

`default_output_name_prefix` function returns output files prefix if `outFileNamePrefix` is not set. By default prefix is equal to basename of `readFilesIn`.


Workflow converts input BAM file into bigWig and bedGraph files.

Input BAM file should be sorted by coordinates (required by `bam_to_bedgraph` step).

If `split` input is not provided use true by default. Default logic is implemented in `valueFrom` field of `split` input inside `bam_to_bedgraph` step to avoid possible bug in cwltool with setting default values for workflow inputs.

`scale` has higher priority over the `mapped_reads_number`. The last one is used to calculate `-scale` parameter for `bedtools genomecov` (step `bam_to_bedgraph`) only in a case when input `scale` is not provided. All logic is implemented inside `bedtools-genomecov.cwl`.

`bigwig_filename` defines the output name only for generated bigWig file. `bedgraph_filename` defines the output name for generated bedGraph file and can influence on generated bigWig filename in case when `bigwig_filename` is not provided.

All workflow inputs and outputs don't have `format` field to avoid format incompatibility errors when workflow is used as subworkflow.

../tools/extract-fastq.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool to decompress input FASTQ file(s). If several FASTQ files are provided, they will be concatenated in the order that corresponds to files in input. Bash script's logic: - disable case sensitive glob check - check if root name of input file already include '.fastq' or '.fq' extension. If yes, set DEFAULT_EXT to \"\", otherwise use '.fastq' - check file type, decompress if needed - return 1, if file type is not recognized This script also works of input file doesn't have any extension at all

../tools/iaintersect.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool assigns each peak obtained from MACS2 to a gene and region (upstream, promoter, exon, intron, intergenic)

`default_output_filename` function returns output filename with sufix set as `ext` argument. Function is called when either `output_filename` or `log_filename` inputs are not provided.

../tools/samtools-sort-index.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool to sort and index input BAM/SAM/CRAM. If input `trigger` is set to `true` or isn't set at all (`true` is used by default), run `samtools sort` and `samtools index`, return sorted BAM and BAI/CSI index file. If input `trigger` is set to `false`, return unchanged `sort_input` (BAM/SAM/CRAM) and index (BAI/CSI, if provided in `secondaryFiles`) files.

Trigger logic is implemented in two bash scripts set by default as `bash_script_sort` and `bash_script_index` inputs. For both of then, if the first argument $0 (which is `trigger` input) is true, run `samtools sort/index` with the rest of the arguments. If $0 is not true, skip `samtools sort/index` and return `sort_input` and `secondaryFiles` (if provided).

Input `trigger` is Boolean, but returns String, because of `valueFrom` field. The `valueFrom` is used, because if `trigger` is false, cwl-runner doesn't append this argument at all to the the `baseCommand` - new feature of CWL v1.0.2. Alternatively, `prefix` field could be used, but it causes changing in script logic.

If using `sort_output_filename`, the output file extension should be `*.bam`, because `samtools sort` defines the output file format on the base of the file extension. If `*.sam` is sed as output filename, it cannot be usefully indexed by `samtools index`.

`default_bam` function is used to generate output filename for `samtools sort` if input `sort_output_filename` is not set or when `trigger` is false and we need to return `sort_input` and `secondaryFiles` (if provided) files. Output filename is generated on the base of `sort_input` basename with `.bam` extension by default.

`ext` function is used to return the index file extension (BAI/CSI) based on `csi` and `bai` inputs according to the following logic `csi` && `bai` => BAI !`csi` && !`bai ` => BAI `csi` && !`bai ` => CSI

../tools/samtools-sort-index.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool to sort and index input BAM/SAM/CRAM. If input `trigger` is set to `true` or isn't set at all (`true` is used by default), run `samtools sort` and `samtools index`, return sorted BAM and BAI/CSI index file. If input `trigger` is set to `false`, return unchanged `sort_input` (BAM/SAM/CRAM) and index (BAI/CSI, if provided in `secondaryFiles`) files.

Trigger logic is implemented in two bash scripts set by default as `bash_script_sort` and `bash_script_index` inputs. For both of then, if the first argument $0 (which is `trigger` input) is true, run `samtools sort/index` with the rest of the arguments. If $0 is not true, skip `samtools sort/index` and return `sort_input` and `secondaryFiles` (if provided).

Input `trigger` is Boolean, but returns String, because of `valueFrom` field. The `valueFrom` is used, because if `trigger` is false, cwl-runner doesn't append this argument at all to the the `baseCommand` - new feature of CWL v1.0.2. Alternatively, `prefix` field could be used, but it causes changing in script logic.

If using `sort_output_filename`, the output file extension should be `*.bam`, because `samtools sort` defines the output file format on the base of the file extension. If `*.sam` is sed as output filename, it cannot be usefully indexed by `samtools index`.

`default_bam` function is used to generate output filename for `samtools sort` if input `sort_output_filename` is not set or when `trigger` is false and we need to return `sort_input` and `secondaryFiles` (if provided) files. Output filename is generated on the base of `sort_input` basename with `.bam` extension by default.

`ext` function is used to return the index file extension (BAI/CSI) based on `csi` and `bai` inputs according to the following logic `csi` && `bai` => BAI !`csi` && !`bai ` => BAI `csi` && !`bai ` => CSI

../tools/bowtie-alignreads.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool maps input raw reads files to reference genome using Bowtie.

`default_output_filename` function returns default name for SAM output and log files. In case when `sam` and `output_filename` inputs are not set, default filename will have `.sam` extension but format may not correspond SAM specification. To set output filename manually use `output_filename` input. Default output filename is based on `output_filename` or basename of `upstream_filelist`, `downstream_filelist` or `crossbow_filelist` file (if array, the first file in array is taken). If function is called without argenments and `output_filename` input is set, it will be returned from the function.

For single-end input data any of the `upstream_filelist` or `downstream_filelist` inputs can be used.

Log filename (`log_file` output) is generated by `default_output_filename` function with ex='.bw'

`indices_folder` defines folder to contain Bowtie indices. Based on the first found file with `rev.1.ebwt` or `rev.1.ebwtl` extension, bowtie index prefix is returned from input's `valueFrom` field.

../tools/fastx-quality-stats.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool calculates statistics on the base of FASTQ file quality scores. If `output_filename` is not provided call function `default_output_filename` to return default output file name generated as `input_file` basename + `.fastxstat` extension.

clipseq-se.cwl#stats_and_transformations/b040af94-0c49-46ce-a1f3-d0030450382e (CommandLineTool)
clipseq-se.cwl#tagstopeak_transformations/538afa45-a9cc-48e3-8234-070a2f7fff08 (CommandLineTool)
../tools/fastx-quality-stats.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Tool calculates statistics on the base of FASTQ file quality scores. If `output_filename` is not provided call function `default_output_filename` to return default output file name generated as `input_file` basename + `.fastxstat` extension.


ID Type Label Doc
bigwig File [bigWig] BigWig file

Generated BigWig file

dedup_log File deduped CLIP log file

deduped CLIP log file

error_log File clipped error log file

clipped error log file

peaks_bed File
output_bed File
atdp_result File [TSV] Fake ATDP results for BioWardrobe

Average Tag Density generated results

bambai_pair File [BAM] Deduped BAM alignment file

Coordinate sorted BAM file and BAI index file (+index BAI)

clipper_bed File
extract_log File clipped extract log file

clipped extract log file

star_sj_log File (Optional) [Textual format] STAR sj log


trim_report File [Textual format] trimm report

TrimGalore generated log

dedup_output File deduped CLIP file
get_stat_log File (Optional) [Textual format] Old Bowtie, STAR and GEEP combined log

Processed and combined Bowtie & STAR aligner and GEEP logs

star_out_log File (Optional) [Textual format] STAR log out

STAR Log.out

clipper_pickle File
star_final_log File [Textual format] STAR final log


dedup_error_log File deduped CLIP error log file

deduped CLIP error log file

star_stdout_log File (Optional) [Textual format] STAR stdout log

STAR Log.std.out

star_progress_log File (Optional) [Textual format] STAR progress log

STAR Log.progress.out

transformed_peaks File [TSV] Transformed peaks Mimics MACS2
iaintersect_result File [TSV] Island intersect results

Iaintersect generated results

get_formatted_stats File (Optional) [Textual format] Bowtie, STAR and GEEP mapping stats

Processed and combined Bowtie & STAR aligner and GEEP logs

rebosomal_bowtie_log File [Textual format] Bowtie alignment log

Bowtie alignment log file

fastx_statistics_after File [Textual format] FASTQ statistics

fastx_quality_stats generated FASTQ file quality statistics file

fastx_statistics_original File [Textual format] FASTQ statistics

fastx_quality_stats generated FASTQ file quality statistics file
