Workflow: AltAnalyze CellHarmony

Fetched 2023-01-09 13:04:11 GMT

AltAnalyze CellHarmony ======================

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ID Type Title Doc
alias String Experiment short name/Alias
align_by Aligning algorithm

Aligning to cluster centroid or cell

genome_data Directory AltAnalyze Prepare Genome Experiment

Ensembl database from the altanalyze-prepare-genome.cwl pipeline

use_adjusted_pvalue Boolean (Optional) Use adjusted P-value for differentially expressed genes threshold

Use adjusted P-value for differentially expressed genes threshold. Applied if running differential expression

correlation_threshold Float (Optional) Pearson correlation threshold

Pearson correlation threshold

perform_diff_expression Boolean (Optional) Perform differential expression analysis

Perform differential expression analysis

diff_expr_p_value_threshold Float (Optional) Cutoff value for P-value of P-adjusted-value

Cutoff value for P-value of P-adjusted-value. Applied if running differential expression

filtered_feature_bc_matrix_h5 File scRNA-Seq Cell Ranger Experiment

Filtered feature-barcode matrices in HDF5 format from cellranger count or aggr results

reference_marker_heatmap_file File AltAnalyze ICGS Experiment

AltAnalyze ICGS Marker Gene Heatmap

diff_expr_fold_change_threshold Float (Optional) Differential expression fold-change threshold

Differential expression fold-change threshold. Applied if running differential expression

reference_expression_matrix_file File AltAnalyze ICGS Experiment

AltAnalyze ICGS Expression Matrix

reference_annotation_metadata_file File AltAnalyze ICGS Experiment

AltAnalyze ICGS Annotation Metadata


ID Runs Label Doc
../tools/altanalyze-cellharmony.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Runs AltAnalyze cellHarmony for 10X Genomics data

../tools/tar-compress.cwl (CommandLineTool)

Compresses input directory to tar.gz


ID Type Label Doc
cellharmony_stderr_log File stderr log generated by altanalyze cellharmony

stderr log generated by altanalyze cellharmony

cellharmony_stdout_log File stdout log generated by altanalyze cellharmony

stdout log generated by altanalyze cellharmony

compressed_cellharmony_data_folder File Compressed folder with AltAnalyze CellHarmony results

Compressed folder with AltAnalyze CellHarmony results
