Workflow: Convert FastJs to npy arrays for gVCF input

Fetched 2023-01-10 07:34:57 GMT
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ID Type Title Doc
afn File Compressed assembly fixed width file
ref String Reference genome
fjdir Directory Directory of FastJ files
reffa File Reference genome in FASTA format
chroms String[] Chromosomes to analyze
srclib Directory (Optional) Existing tile library directory
tagset File Compressed tagset in FASTA format
gvcfdir Directory Input gVCF directory
nchunks String Number of chunks to scatter
pathmax String Last/Maximum path in the tile library
pathmin String Starting path in the tile library
checknum Integer Number of samples to check
checkchroms String[] Chromosomes to validate
sglfthreshold Integer Threshold for unzipped sglf size in MiB


ID Runs Label Doc
createnpy-wf Create NumPy arrays by tile path from cgfs, merge all NumPy arrays into single array
fastj2cgf-wf.cwl (Workflow)
Convert FastJs to cgfs
check-cgf-gvcf-wf Workflow to validate the the gVCF to cgf conversion


ID Type Label Doc
lib Directory Tile library directory
names File File listing sample names
cgfdir Directory Output cgfs
sglfsize File Unzipped sglf size
skippaths File Paths to skip
consolnpydir Directory Output consolidated NumPy arrays