Workflow: WGS processing workflow scattered over samples

Fetched 2023-01-04 01:30:00 GMT
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Workflow as SVG
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  • Nested Workflows
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ID Type Title Doc
fastqdir Directory Directory of paired FASTQ files
headhtml File [plain text format (unformatted)] Header for HTML report
tailhtml File [plain text format (unformatted)] Footer for HTML report
reference File [FASTA] Reference genome
clinvarvcf File [VCF] Reference VCF for ClinVar
knownsites File [VCF] VCF of known polymorphic sites for BQSR
reportfunc File Function used to create HTML report
scattercount String Desired split for variant calling


ID Runs Label Doc
helper/getfastq.cwl (ExpressionTool)
Find matching FASTQ pairs
bwamem-gatk-report WGS processing workflow for single sample


ID Type Label Doc
gvcf File[] [VCF] GVCFs generated from GATK
report File[] [plain text format (unformatted)] ClinVar variant reports