Workflow: wf_rescue_ratio_2inputs.cwl

Fetched 2023-01-10 09:36:59 GMT

Calculates the rescue ratio (see Gabe's protocols paper), given two eCLIP IP samples and 2 size-matched input samples. Also returns the reproducible peaks given these two samples. This is different from the 1input workflow in that each INPUT is first merged together and is used downstream instead of the 1input version, which remains unmodified. Merged inputs are NOT used in calculating true reproducible peaks.

children parents
Workflow as SVG
  • Selected
  • Default Values
  • Nested Workflows
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  • Inputs/Outputs


ID Type Title Doc
species String
rep1_name String
rep2_name String
chrom_sizes File
split_peaks_bed String
merged_peaks_bed String
rep1_clip_bam_file File
rep2_clip_bam_file File
rep1_input_bam_file File
rep1_peaks_bed_file File
rep2_input_bam_file File
rep2_peaks_bed_file File
split_peaks_custombed String
merged_peaks_custombed String


ID Runs Label Doc
max_over_min.cwl (CommandLineTool)
bams_merge.cwl (CommandLineTool)

merges 2 bam files together

bams_merge.cwl (CommandLineTool)

merges 2 bam files together


This workflow returns the reproducible number of split peaks given a single bam file and its size-matched input pair. This workflow splits the bam file first, but does not do anything to the input.


The main workflow that produces two reproducible peaks via IDR given two eCLIP samples (1 input, 1 IP each).


ID Type Label Doc
idr_output File
rescue_ratio File
idr_output_bed File
rep1_entropy_bed File
rep2_entropy_bed File
rep1_entropy_full File
rep2_entropy_full File
rep1_clip_read_num File
rep2_clip_read_num File
reproducible_peaks File
rep1_compressed_bed File
rep1_input_read_num File
rep2_compressed_bed File
rep2_input_read_num File
rep1_input_normed_bed File
rep2_input_normed_bed File
rep1_input_normed_full File
rep2_input_normed_full File
rep1_entropy_excess_reads File
rep2_entropy_excess_reads File
reproducible_peaks_bigbed File
rep1_reproducing_peaks_full File
rep2_reproducing_peaks_full File
reproducible_peaks_narrowpeak File
rep1_idr_output_input_normed_bed File
rep2_idr_output_input_normed_bed File
rep1_idr_output_input_normed_full File
rep2_idr_output_input_normed_full File