Workflow: wf_demultiplex_pe.cwl

Fetched 2023-01-12 06:07:35 GMT
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ID Type Title Doc
dataset String
barcodesfasta File
randomer_length String


ID Runs Label Doc
demux_pe.cwl (CommandLineTool)

demultiplex utility for paired-end eCLIP raw fastq files (process eCLIP barcodes and ramdomers) See: for full code and documentation Usage: eclipdemux --dataset DATASET_ID --metrics METRICS_FILE --fastq_1 READ_1 --fastq_2 READ_2 --expectedbarcodeida BARCODE_A --expectedbarcodeidb BARCODE_B --barcodesfile BARCODES_FASTA --length LENGTH

parsebarcodes.cwl (CommandLineTool)

This tool wraps

We have observed occasional double ligation events on the 5’ end of Read1, and we have found that to fix this requires we run cutadapt twice. Additionally, because two adapters are used for each library (to ensure proper balancing on the Illumina sequencer), two separate barcodes may be ligated to the same Read1 5’ end (often with 5’ truncations). To fix this we split the barcodes up into 15bp chunks so that cutadapt is able to deconvolute barcode adapters properly (as by default it will not find adapters missing the first N bases of the adapter sequence) writes the following files: trimfirst_overlap_length.txt : file that always contains \"1\" trimagain_overlap_length.txt : file that contains max((length of longest barcode - 2),5) g_adapters_default.fasta : empty file (to be fed to cutadapt properly) a_adapters_default.fasta : empty file (to be fed to cutadapt properly) g_adapters.fasta : fasta file containing sequences to be trimmed via cutadapt -g flag a_adapters.fasta : fasta file containing sequences to be trimmed via cutadapt -a flag A_adapters.fasta : fasta file containing sequences to be trimmed via cutadapt -A flag

Usage: <randommer_length> <barcodes_fasta> <barcode_A> <barcode_B>


ID Type Label Doc
AB_A_adapters File
AB_a_adapters File
AB_g_adapters File
AB_a_adapters_default File
AB_g_adapters_default File
A_output_demuxed_read1 File
A_output_demuxed_read2 File
B_output_demuxed_read1 File
B_output_demuxed_read2 File
AB_output_trimagain_overlap_length File
AB_output_trimfirst_overlap_length File