Workflow: rna amplicon analysis for fasta files

Fetched 2024-11-09 19:13:08 GMT

RNAs - qc, preprocess, annotation, index, abundance

children parents
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  • Tools
  • Inputs/Outputs


ID Type Title Doc
jobid String
m5nrBDB File
filterLn Boolean
maxAmbig Integer
deviation Float
m5rnaFull File
sequences File
m5rnaClust File
m5rnaIndex Directory
filterAmbig Boolean
m5rnaPrefix String


ID Runs Label Doc
annotate rna annotation

RNAs - predict, cluster, identify, annotate

abundance abundance

abundace profiles from annotated files, for protein and/or rna

preProcess preprocess fasta

Remove reads from fasta files based on sequence stats. Return fasta files with reads passed and reads removed.

indexSimSeq index sim seq

create sorted / filtered similarity file with feature sequences, and index by md5


ID Type Label Doc
qcStatOut File
seqBinOut File
simSeqOut File
rnaSimsOut File
seqStatOut File
qcSummaryOut File
adapterPassed File
lcaProfileOut File
md5ProfileOut File
rnaFeatureOut File
rnaClustMapOut File
rnaClustSeqOut File
sourceStatsOut File
preProcessPassed File
preProcessRemoved File