Workflow: Averages and aligns the unampped instances
First computes average per UniProt domain instance and then aligns all the average structures against core average structure. Outputs the alignment results along with the structures passing and failing the threshold for given Kpax score.
- Selected
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- Default Values
- Nested Workflows
- Tools
- Inputs/Outputs
ID | Type | Title | Doc |
pdb_dir | Directory | The directory with (or to store) PDB files | |
iteration | Integer | Iteration number | |
core_struct | File [PDB] | Core average structure | |
failed_name | String | To store StIs failed to pass the threshold | |
passed_name | String | To store StIs passing the threshold | |
unmapped_list | File [JSON] | List of un-mapped domin StIs | |
alignment_score | String | Alignment score from Kpax to analyse structures | |
score_threshold | Float | Score threshold for given alignment score from Kpax |
ID | Runs | Label | Doc |
copy_avg_dom |
Moves passed files to given directory |
The tool copy all the files from their original location to the directory provided by user. |
avg_unp_domains |
check_threshold_step |
Filter all structural instances for given Pfam families. |
The tool filter raw files from Pfam to retrieves all the available structural instances from the given Pfam families. cwl-runner --cachedir=tmp_files/ --outdir=Results/ Workflow/separate_structures.cwl yml/separate_structures.yml |
per_unp_dom_instance |
Divides a dictionary of structures per family into multiple according to domain instance |
The tool takes a dictionary and divides all the structures according to their UniProt id and domain position. |
pairwise_align_avg_structs |
Pairwise structural alignemnt using Kpax |
Align crossmapped averaged structures against core average domain structure pairwise using Kpax Outputs a csv file with all the scores from pairwise alignments |
ID | Type | Label | Doc |
domain_like_list | File [CSV] | Domain-like StIs | |
failed_domains_list | File [CSV] | Failed domain StIs | |
unmapped_aligned_results | File [CSV] | Alignment results from Kpax for unmapped instances |