Workflow: 04-quantification-pe-stranded.cwl
RNA-seq 04 quantification
- Selected
- |
- Default Values
- Nested Workflows
- Tools
- Inputs/Outputs
ID | Type | Title | Doc |
nthreads | Integer | ||
annotation_file | File |
GTF annotation file |
input_bam_files | File[] | ||
input_genome_sizes | File | ||
rsem_reference_files | Directory |
RSEM genome reference files - generated with the rsem-prepare-reference command |
input_transcripts_bam_files | File[] | ||
bamtools_forward_filter_file | File |
JSON filter file for forward strand used in bamtools (see bamtools-filter command) |
bamtools_reverse_filter_file | File |
JSON filter file for reverse strand used in bamtools (see bamtools-filter command) |
ID | Runs | Label | Doc |
basename |
split_bams |
Split reads in a BAM file by strands and index forward and reverse output BAM files |
bw2bdg-minus |
bigWigToBedGraph - Convert from bigWig to bedGraph format. usage: bigWigToBedGraph in.bigWig out.bedGraph options: -chrom=chr1 - if set restrict output to given chromosome -start=N - if set, restrict output to only that over start -end=N - if set, restict output to only that under end -udcDir=/dir/to/cache - place to put cache for remote bigBed/bigWigs |
featurecounts |
featureCounts is a highly efficient general-purpose read summarization program that counts mapped reads for genomic features such as genes, exons, promoter, gene bodies, genomic bins and chromosomal locations. It can be used to count both RNA-seq and genomic DNA-seq reads. |
rsem-calc-expr |
In its default mode, this program aligns input reads against a reference transcriptome with Bowtie and calculates expression values using the alignments. RSEM assumes the data are single-end reads with quality scores, unless the '--paired-end' or '--no-qualities' options are specified. Users may use an alternative aligner by specifying one of the --sam and --bam options, and providing an alignment file in the specified format. However, users should make sure that they align against the indices generated by 'rsem-prepare-reference' and the alignment file satisfies the requirements mentioned in ARGUMENTS section. One simple way to make the alignment file satisfying RSEM's requirements (assuming the aligner used put mates in a paired-end read adjacent) is to use 'convert-sam-for-rsem' script. This script only accept SAM format files as input. If a BAM format file is obtained, please use samtools to convert it to a SAM file first. For example, if '/ref/mouse_125' is the 'reference_name' and the SAM file is named 'input.sam', you can run the following command: convert-sam-for-rsem /ref/mouse_125 input.sam -o input_for_rsem.sam For details, please refer to 'convert-sam-for-rsem's documentation page. The SAM/BAM format RSEM uses is v1.4. However, it is compatible with old SAM/BAM format. However, RSEM cannot recognize 0x100 in the FLAG field. In addition, RSEM requires SEQ and QUAL are not '*'. The user must run 'rsem-prepare-reference' with the appropriate reference before using this program. For single-end data, it is strongly recommended that the user provide the fragment length distribution parameters (--fragment-length-mean and --fragment-length-sd). For paired-end data, RSEM will automatically learn a fragment length distribution from the data. Please note that some of the default values for the Bowtie parameters are not the same as those defined for Bowtie itself. The temporary directory and all intermediate files will be removed when RSEM finishes unless '--keep-intermediate-files' is specified. With the '--calc-pme' option, posterior mean estimates will be calculated in addition to maximum likelihood estimates. With the '--calc-ci' option, 95% credibility intervals and posterior mean estimates will be calculated in addition to maximum likelihood estimates. |
bdg2bw-raw-plus |
Tool: bedGraphToBigWig v 4 - Convert a bedGraph file to bigWig format. |
bamcoverage-plus |
usage: An example usage is:$ bamCoverage -b reads.bam -o |
bdg2bw-raw-minus |
Tool: bedGraphToBigWig v 4 - Convert a bedGraph file to bigWig format. |
negate_minus_bdg |
Negate minus strand bedGraph values. |
bamcoverage-minus |
usage: An example usage is:$ bamCoverage -b reads.bam -o |
bdg2bw-norm-minus |
Tool: bedGraphToBigWig v 4 - Convert a bedGraph file to bigWig format. |
bedsort-norm-minus |
bedSort - Sort a .bed file by chrom,chromStart usage: bedSort in.bed out.bed in.bed and out.bed may be the same. |
negate_minus_bdg_norm |
Negate minus strand bedGraph values. |
bedsort_genomecov_plus |
bedSort - Sort a .bed file by chrom,chromStart usage: bedSort in.bed out.bed in.bed and out.bed may be the same. |
bedsort_genomecov_minus |
bedSort - Sort a .bed file by chrom,chromStart usage: bedSort in.bed out.bed in.bed and out.bed may be the same. |
bedtools_genomecov_plus |
Tool: bedtools genomecov (aka genomeCoverageBed)
Version: v2.25.0
Summary: Compute the coverage of a feature file among a genome. |
bedtools_genomecov_minus |
Tool: bedtools genomecov (aka genomeCoverageBed)
Version: v2.25.0
Summary: Compute the coverage of a feature file among a genome. |
ID | Type | Label | Doc |
bam_plus_files | File[] |
BAM files containing only reads in the forward (plus) strand. |
bam_minus_files | File[] |
BAM files containing only reads in the reverse (minus) strand. |
rsem_genes_files | File[] |
RSEM genes files |
bw_raw_plus_files | File[] |
Raw bigWig files from BAM files containing only reads in the forward (plus) strand. |
bw_norm_plus_files | File[] |
Normalized by RPKM bigWig files from BAM files containing only reads in the forward (plus) strand. |
bw_raw_minus_files | File[] |
Raw bigWig files from BAM files containing only reads in the reverse (minus) strand. |
bw_norm_minus_files | File[] |
Normalized by RPKM bigWig files from BAM files containing only reads in the forward (plus) strand. |
rsem_isoforms_files | File[] |
RSEM isoforms files |
featurecounts_counts | File[] |
Normalized fragment extended reads bigWig (signal) files |