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- |
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- Inputs/Outputs
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ID | Type | Title | Doc |
dutp | Boolean (Optional) | Enable dUTP |
Change strand af the mate read, so both reads come from the same strand |
scale | Float (Optional) | Genome coverage scaling coefficient |
Coefficient to scale the genome coverage by a constant factor |
split | Boolean (Optional) | Split reads by 'N' and 'D' |
Calculate genome coverage for each part of the splitted by 'N' and 'D' read |
strand | String (Optional) | Enable strand specific genome coverage calculation |
Calculate genome coverage of intervals from a specific strand |
bam_file | File | Input BAM file |
Input BAM file, sorted by coordinates |
pairchip | Boolean (Optional) | Enable paired-end genome coverage calculation |
Enable paired-end genome coverage calculation |
fragment_size | Integer (Optional) | Fixed fragment size |
Set fixed fragment size for genome coverage calculation |
bigwig_filename | String (Optional) | bigWig output filename |
Output filename for generated bigWig |
bedgraph_filename | String (Optional) | bedGraph output filename |
Output filename for generated bedGraph |
chrom_length_file | File | Chromosome length file |
Tab delimited chromosome length file: <chromName><TAB><chromSize> |
mapped_reads_number | Integer (Optional) | Mapped reads number |
Parameter to calculate scale as 1000000/mapped_reads_number. Ignored by bedtools-genomecov.cwl in bam_to_bedgraph step if scale is provided |
ID | Runs | Label | Doc |
sort_bedgraph |
bam_to_bedgraph |
sorted_bedgraph_to_bigwig |
ID | Type | Label | Doc |
bigwig_file | File | bigWig output file |
bigWig output file |
bedgraph_file | File | bedGraph output file |
bedGraph output file |